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Showing posts from September, 2014


Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and Sexual Imbalances: We had already found out the planetary position that indicates the masculaine and feminine qualities both in men and in women. Now there is other gender or third gender. We call it in the generalized term of "Transgenders". But we can broadly sub divide these Transgenders into three categories. Let us find out the differences. 1. Transvestite: The Transvestite are the people, who are either male or female, who prefers to dress, act, develop a style and live in a manner that are traditionally associated with another gender. Example: A male who is sexually fit and can live and act as a male but prefers to live as a female @ a person with complete male anatomy inside the body but prefers to live as a female or present himself as a female to the outside world. In general, some of the Transvestite people choose to live as a Gay or Lesbian (not all transvestite would re...