DOSHAM BROUGHT BY RAHU AND KETHU: The Kala Sarpa Dosham and Sarpa Dosham are the main dosham that has been brought out by the Rahu and Kethu. Let us analyze the Kala Sarpa Dosham here. Kala Sarpa Dosham: We have earlied studied about the reason and effects of the "Kala Sarpa Dosham" in detail. I wanted to share more details about the functioning of "Kala Sarpa Dosham" with our readers. 1. If the Rahu is placed in the benefice place, then the Rahu Mahadasa would deliver good results, especially when the native age is less than 33 Years. 2. The Kala Sarpa Yoga would deliver fluctuating results; will not trouble the natives completely. 3. The Kala Sarpa Yoga would only create discard in the marital relationships; but the separation or divorce happens only when there is malefic graha position in the natal chart. 4. If the Marriage is conducted in the late twenties, the Kala Sarpa Yoga would never create troubles in the marital ties. Hence, the readers are...