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Dhanusu Lagna Vrischika Rasi:  12th House Moon The 8th House Lord Moon gets debilitated in the 12th house for the Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives. The presence of malefic house lord Moon getting placed in another malefic house brings varied results. Let us analyse the possible impacts of having debilitated Moon in the malefic 12th house for the  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives.  A. If the Moon is stronger in the Ashtakavargha table:  1. The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would think & act in an erratic manner (or) would exhibit abnormal behaviour (or) would take highly dangerous decisions.  2.  The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would face sudden setbacks in their life (or) could create sudden setbacks in other's life.  3.  The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would maintain a strong but damaging ties with their mother (or) their mother would remain powerf...


  Planteary Position that would invite suicidal tendencies:  As we all know, the suicidal attempts (or) suicides are committed due to multiple factors like mental depression, mental disorders, social conditions, religious factors, economic difficulties and problems in personal relationships. That is, the suicides could even be attempted by any persons, who are mentally healthy (or) suicides are possible even when a person is economically sound (or) suicides are possible even among the educated persons. Let us find out the Planetary position that could cause “Suicidal tendencies”.  The 3rd house is considered as the person’s “sub-conscious mind” @ a mind that commands, controls and communicate with every person internally. Hence the 3rd house holds the important factor in deciding the quality of mindset, behavior (or) moods in each and everybody’s lifestyle. Hence the 3rd house could direct the person to be the best (or) be the worst (or) be the good (or) be ba...


Impact of 6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction:  What is a IED? The Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) are roadside bombs fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic (or) incendiary chemicals, which are designed to cause maximum damages (or) to destroy (or) completely incapacitate the personals (or) vehicles that accidentally steps over it: (or) the IED's are activated using some remote controlled devices, when its targets are placed within the striking distances.  Similarly in the Vedic Astrology, the combination of 8th and 12th house lords could trigger an event mostly in an unexpected manner resulting in collateral damages resulting in the loss of time (or) money (or) assets (or) efforts (or) limb (or) life of the natives. Let us see the various probabilities of the conjunction of 8th and 12th House Lord. 6th & 8th House in Vedic Astrology Let us see the probable examples of destructive effects of 8th and 12th House...


Impact of Expenditures on your Life:  Everybody in this world will have both the inflow and outflow of money during their lifetime. The Outflow on money or wealth can happen due to expenditures, losses, damages or wastages. Let us see the difference between the expenditures/losses/wastages/damages. Expenditures: You would spend money for various purposes to meet your various needs. Losses: You would face huge outflow of money for known or unknown reasons, when your expectations go wrong. Damages: You would face sudden or unexpected situation that erodes your asset values in an alarming manner. Wastages: When your expenditures doesn't bring the desired results, then the outflow of money adds no materialistic value for you. In Vedic Astrology, the 12th house and the 12th house lord indicates the outflow of money in your life. Let us the find out the impact on your life through the expenses or losses or wastages or damages. 1. If the 12th house lord is associated wi...


Importance of 12th house in Vedic Astrology: As per the Vedic Astrology, the 12th house is considered as the malefic house. But the 12th house and the 12th house lord has many important role to play in our life. The 12th house indicates the following issues in detail. Why is 12th house is important? The 12th house indicates the expenses, losses and wastages in our life. Hence the Readers can't wish away the importance of the 12th house. Any increased/sudden expenses or wastages or losses could totally upset the native's financial life. Moreover, you need to spend, so that you can buy something both in materialistic form or through services @ nobody can avoid expenses altogether in the life. Even a miser will be spending some money to meet his/her basic life necessities. If the 12th house lord is weaker, then it indicates that the particular person will have no or less money to meet his/her expenditure needs. The Readers may ask me a question like this: Question: If a p...