Planteary Position that would invite suicidal tendencies:
As we all know, the suicidal attempts (or) suicides are committed due to multiple factors like mental depression, mental disorders, social conditions, religious factors, economic difficulties and problems in personal relationships. That is, the suicides could even be attempted by any persons, who are mentally healthy (or) suicides are possible even when a person is economically sound (or) suicides are possible even among the educated persons. Let us find out the Planetary position that could cause āSuicidal tendenciesā.The 3rd house is considered as the personās āsub-conscious mindā @ a mind that commands, controls and communicate with every person internally. Hence the 3rd house holds the important factor in deciding the quality of mindset, behavior (or) moods in each and everybodyās lifestyle. Hence the 3rd house could direct the person to be the best (or) be the worst (or) be the good (or) be bad (or) be soft (or) be hard.
The 12th house indicates the person's exit (death) from the body @ the 12th house indicates the method/time/causes/places of the "Death" of every person. Hence the combination of 3rd & 12th house lord could create "Vision about the death" (or) it would indicate the possibilities of getting command from the inner mind about the possibilities of death. Let us see the various probabilities that arises due to these combinations.
Who are highly vulnerable to the "suicidal tendencies"?
1. 3rd house lord getting placed in malefic houses like 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses (or) getting closely associated with any of these malefic house lords.
2. 3rd house lord getting combusted by the Sun.
3. 3rd house lord getting placed at a closer proximity towards Rahu (or) Kethu.
4. 3rd house lord getting placed in Maraka Sthana (or) Maraka Sthana (or) etting closely associated with any of these malefic house lords.
5. 3rd house lords getting placed at a closer proximity towards any of the debilitated (or) retrograde planets.
6. The Star lord of 3rd house lord getting placed from 22nd Nakshatra (or) 88th Path from the Janma Nakshatra (or) its Path.
7. The Star lord of 3rd house lord getting placed from 22nd Nakshatra (or) 88th Path from the Star Lord of Lagna Lord
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let us examine the possibilities of facing "suicidal tendencies" due to the combination of various planets:
1. The combination of Lagna lord, 3rd house lord and the 12th house lord would create "suicidal tendencies" due to abnormal thinking (or) lack of understanding (or) due to illogical ideas. The problem become severe, if the 3rd house lord becomes stronger than the Lagna Lord, which makes the person to think & behave in an irrational manner.
2. The combination of 2nd house lord, 3rd house lord and the 12th house lord would create "suicidal tendencies" due to problems mainly created by financial issues (or) family issues. In general, the natives with this kind of Planetary position talk openly about their inner mind @ their faces shows their real intentions. *Natives who belong to Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces as their Rising Sign will not face troubles. The natives who belong to Sagittarius sign as their Rising Sign are highly prone to this risk.
3. The combination of 3rd house lord, 6th house lord and the 12th house lord would create "suicidal tendencies" due to high level of pessimistic thoughts and restlessness within the inner mind; and also on reasons mainly due to health related issues (or) debt related issues (or) through any of their litigations.
4. The combination of 3rd house lord, 7th house lord and the 12th house lord would create "suicidal tendencies" due to poor planning; and mainly happens due to failures in the Partnership for love/life/sex/work/business. *Natives who belong to Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius as their Rising Sign will not face troubles.
5. The combination of 3rd, 8th and 12th house lord creates suicidal tendencies due to failures/sorrows/unberable pain in their life; and mainly happens due to collateral losses/damages/events that destroys everything from their life. *The Kanya Lagna and Meena Lagna natives would face the risks more; as their 3rd house lord itself becomes the 8th house lord. Hence the association of 3rd & 8th house Lord Mars (for the Kanya Lagna) and the Venus (for the Meena Lagna) with their respective 12th house lords could create major troubles.
6. The combination of 3rd, 9th and 12th house lord creates suicidal tendencies due to iilogical belief on social (or) spiritual (or) hereditary reasons. *Natives who belong to Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius as their Rising Sign will not face troubles.
7. The combination of 3rd, 11th and 12th house lord creates suicidal tendencies mainly due to their greediness. The natives may attempt suicide (or) create drama by delivering suicidal threats mainy on the basis of profits (or) ulterior motives. *Natives who belong to Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius as their Rising Sign will not face troubles.
*Among all these combinations, the 3rd, 8th and 12th house is considered as extremely risky and dangerous.
a. The problems are likely to very severe if these planetary combinations are placed in malefic houses.
b. The problems are likely to very severe if these planetary combinations are placed in a closer proximity with each other.
c. The problems are likely to very severe if the 3rd house lord is debilitated (or) combusted (or) retrograde
d. The problems are likely to very severe if the 3rd house lord is placed alongside Rahu (or) Kethu at a closer proximity.
e. The problems are likely to very severe if these planetary combinations traverses in the Star Path of any malefic house lords.
f. If the 3rd house lord is stronger in Ashtakavargha; and has any debilitated (or) retrograde planets, then the suicide would take place to take revenge (or) teach lesson @ the native would fully understand the consequences of their actions.
g. If the 3rd house lord is weaker in Ashtakavargha; and has any debilitated (or) retrograde planets, then the suicide would be attempted due to extreme mental pressure; and also to show their anger (or) displeasure in a passive manner.
h. If the 3rd house lord is stronger in Ashtakavargha; and if its combusted (or) placed alongside Rahu (or) Kethu, then the suicide would be attempted mainly due to their mental disturbances.
i. If the 3rd house lord is weaker in Ashtakavargha; and if its combusted (or) placed alongside Rahu (or) Kethu, then the suicide would be attempted mainly due to their ignornace (or) misbelief (or) worries.
j. The native would survive their suicide attempt, if the 8th house lord is stronger in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 8th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is stronger and placed in the benefice place from their respective Rasis.
k. The native would survive their suicide attempt and trauma ends faster, if the 8th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 8th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is stronger and placed in the benefice place from their respective Rasis.
l. The native would survive their suicide attempt; but could continue to face their agony and pain, if the 8th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 8th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is stronger and placed in the malefic place from their respective Rasis.
m. The native may face certain death, if the 12th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 12th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is weaker and placed in the malefic place from their respective Rasis.
n. The native may face struggles before their death, if the 12th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 12th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is stronger and placed in the malefic place from their respective Rasis.
o. The native may face instant death, if the 12th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 12th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is weaker and placed in the benefice place from their respective Rasis.
p. The native would face gruelling death, if the 12th house lord is weaker in the Ashtakavargha; and if the transits of the native's 12th house lord from their Moon Sign and Sun Sign is stronger and placed in the malefic place from their respective Rasis.
Conclusions: The above parameters are given in a generic manner. It is always correct to predict anything about the mental distress, depression, aggressive tendency & suicidal tendency by concluding through full analysis of horoscope.
ARIES - MESHA RASI Taurus - Rishaba Rasi Palan Gemini - Mithuna Rasi Cancer - Kataka Rasi Leo - Simha Rasi Virgo - Kanni Rasi Libra - Thula Rasi Scorpio - Viruchika Rasi Sagittarius - Dhanusu Rasi Capricorn - Makara Rasi Aquarius - Kumbha Rasi Pisces - Meena Rasi
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