Impact of 6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction:
What is a IED? The Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) are roadside bombs fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic (or) incendiary chemicals, which are designed to cause maximum damages (or) to destroy (or) completely incapacitate the personals (or) vehicles that accidentally steps over it: (or) the IED's are activated using some remote controlled devices, when its targets are placed within the striking distances.
Similarly in the Vedic Astrology, the combination of 8th and 12th house lords could trigger an event mostly in an unexpected manner resulting in collateral damages resulting in the loss of time (or) money (or) assets (or) efforts (or) limb (or) life of the natives. Let us see the various probabilities of the conjunction of 8th and 12th House Lord.
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6th & 8th House in Vedic Astrology |
Let us see the probable examples of destructive effects of 8th and 12th House Lord conjunctions.
1. Sudden loss of Jobs of a native producing financial crisis for the entire family members.
2. A student (who is very brilliant) not able to write important exams due to various reasons shattering his/her dreams about the future.
3. A farmer experiencing damages to his crops (due to various reasons like disease/fire/excessive rain/hail storm) during the harvest time.
4. A farmer finding it difficult to sell his produce due to low market prices, even after enjoying excellent harvest.
5. A company finding their product becoming obsolete in the market due to the advent of new technologies, despite spending huge sum for developing it.
6. A marriage getting annulled during the time of marriage for various reasons, despite spending money, time and efforts to conduct the marriage.
7. The Couples getting separated (or) divorced despite getting involved in romance/love/sexual relationships for a longer period of time.
8. Peoples getting critically injured in an accident, which cripples them for the rest of their life.
9. Traders (or) businessmen (or) even a normal person losing their entire fortunes (in a single event) like fire, rioting, floods, earthquake, litigation (or) burglary.
10. Death of a person, who happens to be the bread winner of the entire family.
11. Death of a Person in a Hospital even after getting treated for longer duration of time (or) having spent huge money for the hospital expenses.
12. A person getting isolated (in the old age of his/her life) from his/her family despite laboring for the entire family members during the entire period of their life.
Thus the combination of 8th and 12th house lords could wreck havoc and brings chaotic situation in the native's life totally in an unexpected manner. In a matter of time, the native would be experiencing unexpected losses (or) collateral damages on their finances (or) on assets (or) health (or) on relationships (or) on life longevity. Let us see the few of the probable results occuring due to 8th and 12th house lord combo.
The below mentioned calculations are based on Lagna only (@ Rising Sign only) and one should not read it using their Rasi (Moon Sign)
1. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with Lagna lord would make the native to take highly self destructive decisions.
2. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 2nd house lord would make the native to face financial losses (and/or) problems in the family issues.
3. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 3rd house lord would make the native to suffer losses through their friends & brothers/sisters; and also through their employees (or) any type of laborers. They would also create troubles due to their ego (or) emotions; and also through their stupid decisions.
4. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 4th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses on their movable & immovable assets. They would also earn highly controversial publicity through their questionable actions. This could also create damages to the native's limbs.
5. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 5th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses through their speculative actions like lottery (or) share trading (or) gambling; and also invite troubles through the misuse of their skill & knowledge. They would also suffer losses (or) damages through their own children.
6. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 6th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damaages (or) losses through their mishandling of their debt related issues, which could lead them to legal and non-legal litigations; and also through their opponents. This would also create collateral damages affecting the native's physical health by their chronic illness turning into acute illness; (or) their acute illness turning into chronic illness.
*Generally, the combinations of 6th, 8th and 12th house lords are considered to bring "Vipreeeta Raja Yoga" (getting fortunes totally in an unexpected manner) by various Astrological books and scholars. In my view and experience, I feel that the native would get "unexpected fortunes" but it could come with some riders. Let us find the meaning of these explanations with an example.
Example: Imagine a person getting greviously wounded due to bomb blast (or) due to a major accident and losing his/her limbs. Suppose if the Government would pays hefty financial compensation along with a Government Job offer for the native, then the native would enjoy a unexpected financial boost through an unwelcome manner.
7. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 7th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses affecting their love/life/sex partners (or) the native's marriage life. The native would suffer through their work/business partners by facing collateral damages affecting their line of activity.
8. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords either in 8th (or) 12th house; (or) the "Parivartana Yoga" between the 8th and the 12th house lords could create disastrous situation in the native's life by bringing either the death (or) events that are comparable to death.
9. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 9th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses while living/working/studying in a foreign country: also on any issues (or) issues that are related to any foreigners. The native would face losses (or) irreparable damages through their wrong beliefs in spiritual (or) social issues (or) cultural (or) language related issues; and also through their own family lineages.
10. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 10th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses through their professional activities.
11. The conjunction of 8th and 12th house lords association with 11th house lord would make the native to suffer collateral damages (or) losses through their income (or) earning related issues. They could face losses on their income (or) face disruptions affecting their payments.
The above calculations are based on Lagna only (@ Rising Sign only)
How do you measure "Conjunction of 8th and 12th House Lord"?
1. The presence of 8th and 12th house lords in any of the same Zodiac sign.
2. Both the 8th and the 12th house lords traversing in the Nakshatra that belongs to either of the 8th (or) 12th house lord.
3. The 8th house lord traversing in the Nakshatra of the 12th house lord; and the 12th house lord traversing in the Nakshatra of the 8th house lord.
4. The traversing of 8th house lord and 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra that lies within the same zodiac sign.
5. The traversing of 8th house lord and 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra (which happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the native's birth star) that lies within the same zodiac sign
6. The traversing of 8th house lord and 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra (that belong to either of 8th (or) 12th house lord) that lies within the same zodiac sign.
7. The traversing of 8th house lord and 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra (that belong to either of 8th (or) 12th house lord, but happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the native's birth star) that lies within the same zodiac sign.
8. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path that lies within the +/- 03.20.00 degrees from each other.
9. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path that lies within the same zodiac sign.
10. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path that lies within the +/- 03.20.00 degrees from each other but placed within the same zodiac sign.
11. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path (where the Nakshatra happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the birth star of the natives) that lies within the +/- 03.20.00 degrees from each other.
12. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path (where the Nakshatra happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the birth star of the natives) that lies within the +/- 03.20.00 degrees from each other and placed within the same zodiac sign
13. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path that lies within the +/- 00.60.60 degrees from each other.
14. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path that lies within the +/- 00.60.60 degrees from each other and placed in the same zodiac sign.
15. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path (where the Nakshatra happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the birth star of the natives) that lies within the +/- 00.60.60 degrees from each other.
16. The traversing of 8th house & 12th house lord in the same Nakshatra Path (which the Nakshatra happens to be the 22nd Nakshatra from the birth star of the natives) that lies within the +/- 00.60.60 degrees from each other and placed in the same zodiac sign.
*The intensity of the troubles would be milder from Point 1 and increases rapidly when it reaches to its severest level at the Point 16.
When will the native face the consequences of these above mentioned results?
1. The native would suffer while going through the combination of the following periods.
A. Prana Dasa period within the Sooksama Dasa period
B. Sookama Dasa period within the Pratyantardasa period
C. Pratyantardasa period within the Antardasa period
D. Antardasa period within the Mahadasa period.
*The intensity of the troubles would be milder in Point A to severe in Point D.
2. The problems are likely to happen during the transit of 8th and 12th house lords happen in a similar manner in the Kocharam.
3. The problems could reach dangerous proportions, when the Dasa periods and the transits of 8th and 12th house lords happen in a simultaneous manner.
4th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
8th & 12th House Lord Conjunction
4th, 6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
4th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
8th & 12th House Lord Conjunction
4th, 6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction
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