6th & 8th House Lord Conjunction for Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant):
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6th 8th House Lord Conjunction |
As per the Hindu Religion, everyone who is born in this World would go through certain difficulties during their lifetime. The problems can be classified into two categories.
1. Problems that are created by our decision making. These types of problems are indicated in the 6th house.
2. Problems that already exists in our life (or) problems that are likely to affect us suddenly without any warning (or) problems that we absolutely have no control: In Hindu Religion, it is considered as the result of the Karma from our previous birth (or) it is simply called as "Bad Karma". These types of problems are indicated in the 8th House. Both the Houses are considered as malefic in Vedic Astrology.
Importance of 6th house: The 6th house represents debts (financial liabilities), strength of the enemy, litigations and the chronic illness. Here we could avoid borrowing the money (or) we can keep a limit on borrowing. Similarly, we can avoid quarrels with others (or) we can escalate the quarrels to any levels. We can keep the body fit by maintaining good diet and healthly lifestyle. Hence, these problems are manageable by us.
Importance of 8th house: The 8th house represents the failures, isolation, and losses. These type of problems are mostly remain beyond our control. The Couple getting divorced (or) family getting separated (or) death of anyone (or) losses through happening through natural calamities are not in anybody's control. Hence, these kind of problems happen in everyone's life, even if anyone tries best to manage those problems.
6th House & 8th House Lords Conjunction & its Impacts: *The below mentioned impacts would be very severe, if there exists any closer conjunction. There would be moderate to nil impacts, if the conjunction between the planets are too wide.
The combination of 6th & the 8th house lords would create a dangerous situation in the life of the natives. In general, the 6th & 8th house lord’s combination creates the following troubles.
1. The problems of facing litigations on various issues, especially on debt related matters.
2. The possibility of chronic illness turning into acute illness creating crisis like situation on health especially in the areas around the stomach and the waist (urinal/bowel).
3. Facing serious problems with the adversaries which could produce legal (or) non-legal troubles; and the possibility of the trouble turning into lethal.
4. The presence of the 6th & 8th house lord combinations in various houses (for all the 12 Lagna (Rising sign) would produce variety of results. In this post, we are going to study the impact of 6th & 8th house lord in a generic manner @ we are not going to study the impact of the 6th & 8th house lords combination in every houses in an individual manner. Let us see the possible impacts of Mercury (6th house Lord) and Sun (8th House Lord) conjunction for the Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) natives.
6th & 8th house lords (Mercury & Sun Conjunction) combinations for Makara Lagna (Capricorn Rising sign):
1. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives are likely to face troubles (or) litigations with the Government (or) its agencies.
2. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) students are likely to struggle with mathematics (or) make mistakes with mathematics.
3. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives are likely to face difficult ties with their father (or) likely to get affected by their father (or) their father would face various difficulties in their life.
4. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives would become atheist (or) get bad experiences from their spiritual activities (or) they may convert into other religions/beliefs.
5. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives would face delays & difficulties (or) setbacks on immigration & emigration (visa/passport/residence permit) related issues.
6. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives would face difficulties & deadlock on their overseas life.
7. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) students who pursue higher level education (post-graduate/research) may choose complicated studies (or) face delays & difficulties in completing their education.
8. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives will face long drawn out disputes/litigation during their lifetime @ neither they nor their adversaries will emerge as clear winner.
9. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives are likely to face skin and nervous related health problems.
10. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives would face troubled ties with their materal uncles (or) their uncles will undergo difficulties in their life.
11. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn ascendant) natives will make wrong calculations (or) wrong assumptions (or) incorrect predictions.
Note: The above results are given in generic manner. The above impacts could vary due to the below mentioned factors.
1. The Placement of Sun & Mercury in various houses.
2. The level of conjunction between the Sun & Mercury.
3. The Star Lord of Sun & Mercury; and its placement.
4. The Ashtakavargha strength of Sun & Mercury.
5. The Conjunction & aspection of Sun & Mercury with other Planets.
Note: *The below mentioned impacts would be very severe, if there exists any closer conjunction. There would be moderate to nil impacts, if the conjunction between the planets are too wide.
1. The Conjunction will impact will not be felt, if the Sun and Mercury are placed more than 10.01 degrees apart.
2. The Conjunction will be less severe, if the Sun and the Mercury are placed between 06.41 degrees to 09.60 degrees apart.
3. The Conjunction will be severe, if the Sun and the Mercury are placed between 03.21 degrees to 06.40 degrees apart.
4. The Conjunction will be extremely severe, if the Sun and the Mercury are placed between 00.00 degrees to 03.20 degrees apart.
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