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1. What is mangalik dosham? What are the remedies?

Having Mars at the 2, 4, 7, 8, 12th house denotes the presence of mangalik dosham. But there are various exceptions.
Remedies can be analyzed and done, as per the individual horoscope only.

2. What is Kalathiragara dosham?

A horoscope having 7th house lord and sukra (Venus) either getting debilitated, becoming weak and staying at 6th, 8th and 12th house (which is considered to be most inauspicious) having Kalathiragara dosham.

Also the lord of 7th house getting associated with 6th, 8th and 12th house lords or the combination of these house lords are also considered as Kalathiragara Dosham. A person getting affected by this dosham may not have a good / peaceful married life.

3. What are the defects that may occur due to the Kalathiragara dosham?

1. Differences within the couples.
2. Living apart / separation by the couples.
3. Extra martial relationship.
4. Legal tangle leading to divorce.
5. Death to any one of the partners.

4. What is Kala Sarpa dosham?

If Raghu is the head and Kethu is the tail of a snake, and if all the planets are placed in between, it is assumed that all the planets are eaten away by the snake. This position would render all the planets inactive for the first 33 years of age curtailing the health, education and jobs.

5. What is Sarpa dosham?

It creates obstructions in every walk of life. Marriage, Education, Jobs, having children are the some of the aspects that may be affected.

6. What is Sastanga dosham?

Husband having 6th or 8th Zodiac sign (Moon sign) from wife’s zodiac sign is called Sastanga dosham. Couples will have diametrically opposite views and quarrel among themselves.

7. What is Putra dosham?

Everyone would like to have son/daughter immediately after the marriage. Those who are affected by Putra dosham may find themselves without any children/ delay in getting the children.

8. What is Sakatai dosham?

Guru (Jupiter) standing from Chandran (Moon) at 6th, 8th, house considered to be Sakatai dosham. Those get affected by this dosham find their lives go up and down like the rotation of the wheel.

9. If compatibility of the marriage is enough for the couples to get married?

No, it is very risky. The matching of physical and mental strength of both the boy and girl is done by compatibility report. Whether to have good married life, having children, living a longer and healthier life, good wealth and fortunes can be looked only with the complete analysis of the horoscope.

10. How to find out, if the horoscope submitted is genuine?

By horoscope, you can predict the character, appearance, color, height, rich/poor, education, and many other individual details. If we compare the results of a given horoscope with actual characters of that particular person, even if some points matches with the person, other points may gets deviated. Thus we may be able to come to a conclusion that the horoscope given is not genuine.

11. Is it possible to find the character and behavior of every person?

Yes, it is completely possible. Before committing our self into marriage partnership and business partnership, it is always good to verify the character of the person, who is going to be partnered.

12. Is it sufficient that having Raja Yoga / Gaja Kesari Yoga / other various yoga in the horoscope would offer us everything?

Any yoga associated in the horoscope gives better result only during the time of particular planets maha dasa. The dasa period is most important than having any yoga. Similarly “dosham” give us very bad results only during the particular planets dasa period.

13. Is performing pooja/homam through others, solve your problem?

Devotion and submission before god must come from you. It can’t be outsourced. You gain nothing out of it.

14. Is Kavach (kavasam), Yantra navaratnas solve our problems?

Your karma can’t be traded for costly pooja items. A soul can’t leave this earth, without exhausting its past deeds (karma).

15. Can a boy and a girl having same nakshatra(star) marry?

Couples having the below mentioned stars such as 1.Rohini, 2. Thiruvadhirai, 3. Poosam, 4. Magham, 5. Hastham and 6. Thiruvonam as their brith star can marry and it is considered to be the best.

Couples having the same birth star susch as 1. Ashwini, 2. Kiruthika, 3. Mirugasirisa, 4. Punarpusam, 5. Uthiram, 6. Chittirai, 7. Anusham, 8. Uthiradam are considered to be the next level.

16. Whether a boy and a girl in the same zodiac sign can marry?

Yes, they can marry provided the birth star of the girl should come after the birth star of the boy.

17. Which couples are likely to go to court/fight among them selves?

If the boys zodiac sign is 2, 5, 6 and 8 places away from the girl's zodiac sign then they take their problems to the court.

18. What are the ill effects of Raghu ?

Raghu can be called as the great entertainer of this world. It makes a person to lie. It creates the ample situation to smoke, drink, gamble and use drugs. It creates illegal and immoral sexual activity. It teaches a person to cheat and even rob.

Association of malefic planets like Mars and Saturn makes the situation from bad to worse. If a person chooses to live in this absurd manner during the Raghu dasa period, might lose the entire benefits ( that he earned during Raghu dasa ) and comes down to near zero before the end of this dasa.

19. What is Thithi Sunyam ?

ANSWER : A baby born on any day, other than New Moon day and Full Moon day gets thithi sunyam for 2 zodiac houses. The Planet that owns the houses receives thithi sunyam @ a Zeroness ( emptiness ) effect. Thus if the planet is benefic, it is rendered ineffective to do any good. If the planet is malefic , it becomes double malefic in nature.


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