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Showing posts with the label 8th & 12th House Lords


Dhanusu Lagna Vrischika Rasi:  12th House Moon The 8th House Lord Moon gets debilitated in the 12th house for the Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives. The presence of malefic house lord Moon getting placed in another malefic house brings varied results. Let us analyse the possible impacts of having debilitated Moon in the malefic 12th house for the  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives.  A. If the Moon is stronger in the Ashtakavargha table:  1. The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would think & act in an erratic manner (or) would exhibit abnormal behaviour (or) would take highly dangerous decisions.  2.  The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would face sudden setbacks in their life (or) could create sudden setbacks in other's life.  3.  The  Sagittarius Ascendant (Dhanusu Lagna) natives would maintain a strong but damaging ties with their mother (or) their mother would remain powerf...


Sun & Mars in the 8th House for Vrishaba Lagna & its Impacts:  Sun & Mars in the malefic 8th House In general, the presence of any planet in the malefic 8th House for all 12 Lagna (Ascending Sign) is not a welcome sign. Here the Sun, own the 4th House (House of Comforts). Thus, the presence of 4th House Lord Sun in the malefic 8th house would impact the overall comforts such as health, materialistic life and assets. Mars owns the 7th and the 12th House. 7th house is considered as neutral house and the 12th house is considered as highly malefic for the Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Ascendant). This would create the following probabilities.  1.  The presence of neutral 7th house in the malefic 8th House.  2. The presence of malefic 12th house in another malefic 8th House. Note:  Some of the people may call this as a “Vipreeta Raja Yoga”, since the presence of malefic 12th house in the malefic 8th House. They would call it as biggest fortune. But I beg ...


  Planteary Position that would invite suicidal tendencies:  As we all know, the suicidal attempts (or) suicides are committed due to multiple factors like mental depression, mental disorders, social conditions, religious factors, economic difficulties and problems in personal relationships. That is, the suicides could even be attempted by any persons, who are mentally healthy (or) suicides are possible even when a person is economically sound (or) suicides are possible even among the educated persons. Let us find out the Planetary position that could cause “Suicidal tendencies”.  The 3rd house is considered as the person’s “sub-conscious mind” @ a mind that commands, controls and communicate with every person internally. Hence the 3rd house holds the important factor in deciding the quality of mindset, behavior (or) moods in each and everybody’s lifestyle. Hence the 3rd house could direct the person to be the best (or) be the worst (or) be the good (or) be ba...