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Showing posts from March, 2015


Importance of 12th house in Vedic Astrology: As per the Vedic Astrology, the 12th house is considered as the malefic house. But the 12th house and the 12th house lord has many important role to play in our life. The 12th house indicates the following issues in detail. Why is 12th house is important? The 12th house indicates the expenses, losses and wastages in our life. Hence the Readers can't wish away the importance of the 12th house. Any increased/sudden expenses or wastages or losses could totally upset the native's financial life. Moreover, you need to spend, so that you can buy something both in materialistic form or through services @ nobody can avoid expenses altogether in the life. Even a miser will be spending some money to meet his/her basic life necessities. If the 12th house lord is weaker, then it indicates that the particular person will have no or less money to meet his/her expenditure needs. The Readers may ask me a question like this: Question: If a p...


Planetary position that indicates the deceptive nature of a person; Deception or Treachery or Betrayal or Back stabbing could bring collateral damages. Let us define "What you mean by deceptive?" . We all know that the Roman Politician Marcus Junius Brutus , who was often referred as "Brutus". He stand us an example of his betrayal of his friend Julius Caesar , who was a Roman General and rose to the power of "Dictator in Perpetuity". The Julius Caesar believed in his friend Brutus . But the Brutus conspired with the conspirators and even joined the killing of Julius Caesar . The Juilius Caesar had understood the foolishness of his actions by placing faith on the wrong person while he was dying. But the time had gone and the mightly Julius Caesar fell due to deceitful nature of the Marcus Junius Brutus . How to find out the "Brutus" living alongside us? How to escape the treachery? The Vedic Astrology has the answer for you to identify t...