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2013 Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Meena Rasi (Pisces Sign) The Shani comes out of its retrograde movement on May 7 th , 2013. The Shani owns the 11 th and the 12 th houses for the Meena lagna (Pisces sign). Both the houses are considered to be malefic in nature. But the Shani and the Guru (Lord of Pisces/Meena) treat each other as equals @ they do not maintain any animosity towards others. The Shani is placed in the Thula Rasi in an exalted position. But for the Meena lagna (Pisces sign), the Thula Rasi happens to be the 8 th house, which is considered as highly malefic in nature. Let us analyze the possible results out of Shani Peyarchi for the Meena lagna (Pisces sign) in the year 2013. Shani Peyarchi Palangal - May 7 th to September 13 th (2013): The Meena lagna (Pisces sign) would enjoy increased profits from various income sources. Similarly the Meena lagna (Pisces sign) would be burdened with huge expenses too. They would be able to enjoy their basic life co


"GURU PEYARCHI PALANGAL FOR MEENA RASI (PISCES SIGN)" The Guru makes the transit from Rishaba rasi (Taurus sign) to Mithuna rasi (Gemini sign) on May 31st, 2013 at 08:00 am (Friday) as per the "Thirukkanitha Panchangam". The transit of Guru into the Mithuna rasi marks the presence of Guru in the 4th house for the Meena rasi (Pisces sign). The Guru owns the Meena rasi (Pisces sign) and thus it becomes the rasi lord too. The Guru has the lordship over the 1st aand 10th houses for the Meena rasi (Pisces sign). The transit of Guru in to the Mithuna rasi, (which happens to be its opponent Budha's house) makes the Guru weaker. But the Guru has its "Kendra Athipathiya Dosham", because of its ownership of the 10th house (Quadrant). It is always good to have a weaker Guru to give better results for the Meena rasi (Pisces sign). Thus the transit of Guru (Guru Peyarchi) in 2013 would bring some definite relief to the Meena rasi (Pisces sign). More over th


THE EFFECTS OF MOON ON MESHA LAGNA IN 12 DIFFERENET ZODIAC SIGNS Mesha Lagna We study the effects of the Moon on the Mesha Lagna natives, when the Moon is placed in the 12 different zodiac signs. 1. "Mesha Lagna and Mesha Rasi" - "Moon in the lagna": Easy go (or) luxurious (or) lazy in character. Possessing high levels of helping tendencies; and good hospitability. Wavering mindset. Mindful of assets/health/lifestyle. Ability to manage assets. Character: Exhibiting good hospitality despite possessing tough personality (or) secretive agenda. 2. "Mesha Lagna and Rishaba Rasi" -   "Moon in the 2nd house" : Speaking in a polite manner; but likely to speak in different directions. Creating finances through assets (or) creating assets through finances (or) enjoying good hold on assets; but facing difficulties on asset related issues. Good physical & mental health; but facing difficulties on health issues. Good quality lifestyle; but fa