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Showing posts with the label who is Feminine?


Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and issue of being a Intersexuals:  We had studied the planetary position that defines a person to be a  "Transvestite"  and also the planetary position that defines the person to be a   "Transgender"  . Now we are going to find, who is a Intersexual? Who is a Intersexual? We can divide the peoples, who are born with Intersex conditions into 5 categories. Please note that Intersexual peoples need not necessarily be a "Transvestite" or a "Transgender". Intersex (Type 1): The people who are affected by harmonal deficiencies or harmonal malfunctions. Harmonal deficiency could create infertile male or female. That is, a male (or a female) will act, behave and live like a normal male (or female), but will not have the capacity to father (or mother) a child. Intersex (Type 2): The peoples who are born as a male (or female) to the outside world will have the anatom...


The Planetary Position that indicates Feminine qualities:  Among the 12 zodiac signs, the following are female signs. 1. Taurus, 2. Cancer, 3. Virgo, 4. Scorpio, 5. Capricorn and 6. Pisces 1. If a female has her Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac signs, then she posses more feminine character. 2. If a female has any two of the signs from the Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac sign and another one from the rest of the Rasi's (zodiac signs), then she will posses 60% to 70% feminine features and 30% to 40% masculine features (both physically, mentally and also through their  behaviour or through their responses).  3.  If a female has any one of the signs from the Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac sign and another two fro...