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The Guru becomes debilitated in the Makara Rasi and it is called as Neecha Guru. The Makara Rasi is the 10th house to the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign). The Guru owns both the 9th and 12th house to the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign), where 9th house is highly benefic and 12th house is semi malefic. Also the Guru is friendly to the Chevva/Mars, who is the house lord of the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign).  Hence the Guru is semi benefic to the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign). Now let us see the results of Neecha Guru for the Mesha Lagna (Aries sign). 1. The Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) might face downgrade of ties with their father or some troubles to their father. 2. The Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) would face problems in their family issues that would threaten their business/profession. 3. The Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) would be devoid of their basic comforts, such as timely food and rest. 4. The Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) would also face disappointments in their sexual relationships or may not be in a position to sat


The Neecha Guru (Debilitated Guru) happens when the Guru is placed on the Maraka Rasi (Capricorn sign). Given below are the effects of the Neecha Guru. 1. There would be wild fluctuations on their financial positions. 2. The Persons with Neecha Guru in their natal chart may find it tough to retain gold. 3. The Persons with Neecha Guru may develop negative mindset and may not give full respect to their Guru's. 4. The persons with Neecha Guru would speak ill or act against the interest of their own communities. 5. The Persons with Neecha Guru would develop negative mindset over their own religious beliefs, cultural traditions and the society. 6. The Person with Neecha Guru would be lacking basic cleanliness and decency, whenever it is expected from them. 7. The Person with Neecha Guru would not be satisfied during their sexual intercourse or may not be in a position to satisfy their partners fully. 8. The Person with Neecha Guru would face obstructions during the dis


The Guru becomes debilitated, when it is placed in the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign). First let us, see the the qualities of the Guru. 1. The Guru is karaka (responsible) for the finance. 2. The Gold is the metal associated with the Guru. 3. The people who taughts us everything @ teachers, spritual gurus and family elders are represented by the Guru. 4. The Guru is responsible for keeping traditions. religious beliefs and cultural hertiage. 5. The Guru is the karaka for arguments and discussions. 6. The Guru is the karaka for the efficiency (erection) of private parts in the body. 7. The Guru is the karaka for the basic decency, knowledge and cleanliness. GURU PARVAI     GURU PALA      GURU CHANDALA YOGA     GAJA KESARI YOGA   


The common problem that occurs among the married couples is that the delay in conceiving or problems in conceiving. The maternity hospitals are doing roaring business now. Thousands of distraught couples flocks to various hospitals and try various methods of treatment. The Couples may face the below mentioned situations, but may not have answers. 1. The medical reports indicate no troubles, still there would be a problem in conceiving. 2. They would have gone through various forms of pujas and pariharams, still they find no answers for the prayers. 3. The Couples take medical treatment on a continous process, still there is no solution in sight. The Astrological reason that create problems in conceiving: 1. The association of 5th house lord and Guru with malefic grahas. 2. The placement of 5th house and Guru in 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houe or in any Maraka house. 3. The 5th house lord and Guru getting debilitated or in a weak position. 4. The 5th house lord and Guru get


Will the aspection of Guru or Guru parvai always bring peace and prosperity? The Guru (Jupiter) is considered to be the most benefic planet (graha) among all other nine planets. But the Guru (Jupiter) would deliver the best results, only if it does not attain any doshas. Let us see the possible graha positions that would reduce the benefic nature of the guru (Jupiter). 1. The Guru's (Jupiter) lordship over malefic hosues. The Rishaba (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini), Kanni (Virgo) and Thula (Libra) lagna's falls under this category. 2. The association of Guru (Jupiter) with any other malefic planets. This would bring in an inauspicious yoga called "Guru Chandala Yoga". 3. The placement of Guru in the malefic houses. 4. The debilitation and placement of Guru in the opponent's houses. These are some of the graha position that would reduce the benefic nature of the Guru. The aspection of Guru will not deliver the remedies or relief to the natives, if the Guru


Guru Parvai In tamil there is an astrological proverb "Guru parthal kodi nanmai" meaning that the aspection of Guru graha brings billion benefits. Let us see the various aspects of Guru Parvai (The aspection of Guru). 1. The Guru would be able to aspect (see) the 5th, 7th and 9th house from the house, where it is placed. 2. The Guru would remove the malefic nature of houses and grahas that are being aspected by it. 3. The power of Guru increases, if the Guru has the lordship of benefic houses. 4. The power of Guru increases further more, if the Gurus is placed in the trikona house @ 1st, 5th and 9th houses. GURU PARVAI     GURU PALA      GURU CHANDALA YOGA     GAJA KESARI YOGA   


We have seen many information that details about the effects of Birth during malefic periods. The Birth during natural calamities like thunderstorm, squally weather, cyclones, earth quakes and any other natural disasters are considered to be malefic. The malefic results are likely to incraese in the below mentioned situations. 1. If the baby is born in the midst of malefic Mahadasa periods. 2. If the baby has malefic grahas associated with Lagna/Lagna lords. The malefic results are likely to affect either the baby or its parents depending upon the planetary positions in the Kundali. The Parents are advised to do study the horoscope in detail and do necessary pariharam.