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MEDICAL ASTROLOGY: HOW STRONG IS YOUR MEMORY (PART 1)?  Guru Chandala Yoga: The word "Chandala" means that the person who remains totally impure and would readily accept any type of dangerous jobs that other would not even think about it. In Sanskrit, the word "Chandala" means that it denotes a person, who deals with dead corpses. In Astrology, the Guru is considered as the Vedic Scholar, who teaches Vedas to everyone in the upper world. As per the Hindu Vedas, the Vedic Scholars (Brahmins) are supposed to be bodily and mentally pure to involve in their spiritual and ritual activities. If any Vedic Scholar is in anyway associated with the "Chandalas" then they would lose their purity and the strength. By applying the same logic, the Guru would lose its character or strength or both, when there is a association happens with malefic planets or houses. This condition is called as "Guru Chandala Yoga" and this particular yoga is considered as ba


Rahu & the Planets: The Game played by the Rahu in our life: Rahu's duet with the other planets:  1. The Sun and the Rahu: The Rahu will eliminate or imbibe the qualities of the Sun, when it is placed alongside with the Sun. The situation becomes more acute, if both the Rahu and Sun are placed in a closer proximity to each other. But the combination of Sun and Rahu brings and increases the leadership or administrative qualities. If the Sun and Rahu combination are related to 2nd or 12th house or house lords then it could affect the eye, If the Sun and Rahu are placed closer proximity to each others and if the weak 2nd or 12th house or the house lords are associated, then it will create problems in the eye like squint eye or blurred vision. If the Sun and Rahu are placed closer proximity to each others and if the weak 2nd house or the house lord is associated, then it will create problems in the teeth @ it will produce irregular or overgrowth in the teeth and the gums. 2.


2014 - 2015 Guru Transit Results for Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign): The Guru enters the Kataka Rasi (Cancer Sign) on 19.06.2014 at 08.30 am (calculations are done based on Chennai as the loacation) from Mithuna Rasi (Gemini Sign). The Guru owns the 9th & 12th house for the Mesha Rasi (Aries Sign) natives. As per the Hindu Vedic Astrology, the 9th house is considered to be the best benefice house, but the 12th house is considered as the malefic house. Hence the Guru has to play dual role. On one hand, it has to deliver the best results and gains of 9th house and on other hand, it has to deliver the malefic results of the 12th house. The Guru maintain friendly relationship with the Mars, who is the Lord of the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign). The Mars also receiprocates the same level of friendship with the Guru. Hence the Guru is unlikely to cause any major troubles for the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign) natives. The Guru is likely to deliver increased benefits, when it is stronger and placed in be


Planetary position that indicates your "Sexual Fitness" 1. Are you fit enough to have sexual relationship? 2. Would face any difficulty in having sexual relationship? 3. Will you get satisfied out of your sexual relationship? 4. Will you get chances to enjoy your sexual relationship? 5. When, Where and with Whom you will enjoy your sexual relationship? 6. Do you opt for natural or unnatural sex? Our Hindu Vedic Astrology has answer for all your questions. The Vedic Astrology shows the dark secrets of everyone's private life. Let us see the fundamentals of the planetary position that speaks about the various aspect of our sexual life. 1. The Guru, 3rd house and the 3rd house Lord indicates the strength (sensitivity) of the private parts. 2. The Mars, 4th house and 4th house lord indicates the physical fitness of the body that indicates a person's ability to involve in sex activities. 3. The Venus, 8th house and the 8th house lord indicates the efficienc


Planetary Position that indicates trouble in the Heart: 1. The 4th house Lord and/or Debilitated Guru or Retrograde Guru placed in malefic houses like 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses; and also placed in Pathaga Sthana or Maraka Sthana. 2. If the Debilitated Guru or Retrograde Guru or the Guru getting combusted by the Sun is placed in the 4th house. 3. If 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house lords is placed in the 4th house. Similarly the presence of Pathaga Graha or Maraka Graha in the 4th house would also indicate problems in the heart. 4. The 4th house lord traversing in the Nakshatra of 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house lords; also traversing in the Nakshatra of Pathaga Graha or Maraka Graha. 5. The Low strength of 4th house Lord in the Ashtavargha and also in the Navamsa and Dasamsa chart indicates the "Weak Heart". 6. If the Guru is associated with the 4th house it increases the risk. 7. If the Guru is a malefic Graha (as per the Lagna) then the risks are huge. 8. If the


The Guru becomes debilitated, when it is placed in the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign). First let us, see the the qualities of the Guru. 1. The Guru is karaka (responsible) for the finance. 2. The Gold is the metal associated with the Guru. 3. The people who taughts us everything @ teachers, spritual gurus and family elders are represented by the Guru. 4. The Guru is responsible for keeping traditions. religious beliefs and cultural hertiage. 5. The Guru is the karaka for arguments and discussions. 6. The Guru is the karaka for the efficiency (erection) of private parts in the body. 7. The Guru is the karaka for the basic decency, knowledge and cleanliness. GURU PARVAI     GURU PALA      GURU CHANDALA YOGA     GAJA KESARI YOGA   


Will the aspection of Guru or Guru parvai always bring peace and prosperity? The Guru (Jupiter) is considered to be the most benefic planet (graha) among all other nine planets. But the Guru (Jupiter) would deliver the best results, only if it does not attain any doshas. Let us see the possible graha positions that would reduce the benefic nature of the guru (Jupiter). 1. The Guru's (Jupiter) lordship over malefic hosues. The Rishaba (Taurus), Mithuna (Gemini), Kanni (Virgo) and Thula (Libra) lagna's falls under this category. 2. The association of Guru (Jupiter) with any other malefic planets. This would bring in an inauspicious yoga called "Guru Chandala Yoga". 3. The placement of Guru in the malefic houses. 4. The debilitation and placement of Guru in the opponent's houses. These are some of the graha position that would reduce the benefic nature of the Guru. The aspection of Guru will not deliver the remedies or relief to the natives, if the Guru


Guru Parvai In tamil there is an astrological proverb "Guru parthal kodi nanmai" meaning that the aspection of Guru graha brings billion benefits. Let us see the various aspects of Guru Parvai (The aspection of Guru). 1. The Guru would be able to aspect (see) the 5th, 7th and 9th house from the house, where it is placed. 2. The Guru would remove the malefic nature of houses and grahas that are being aspected by it. 3. The power of Guru increases, if the Guru has the lordship of benefic houses. 4. The power of Guru increases further more, if the Gurus is placed in the trikona house @ 1st, 5th and 9th houses. GURU PARVAI     GURU PALA      GURU CHANDALA YOGA     GAJA KESARI YOGA   


As per the Vedic Astrology, every diseases has been identified with all nine planets. The diseases are directly linked to the planets, that either has ownership of malefice houses or stays in the malefice houses. Let us see the type of diseases that are associated with all the nine planets. Serial No Planets   Diseases 1 Sun Bone related issues. 2 Moon Blood related issues. 3 Mars Brain related issues 4 Mercury Skin related issues 5 Jupiter Flesh relared issues 6 Venus Sex related issues 7 Saturn Nerve related issues 8 Raghu Intestine related issues 9 Kethu Intestine related issues In the future, we would analyze the type of diseases that are likely to affect every person and time at which the diseases are likely to have an impact on everyone's life. How to


What is Guru Pala? What is its significance to the Marriage? Marriage Astrology Guru Pala means "the Planet Guru attaining the strength & positioning in its comfortable place" in the Moon Sign chart during its transit period. Conducting the marriage during the year, when the Guru is transiting into favourable house from the bride and bride groom's Moon Sign will bring positive impact in the Couple's life during the first year of the Marriage.  The position of Guru is calculated against the respective Moon Sign of the boy & girl. Let us find out the effects of having Guru in all the 12 Zodiac houses calculated from the respective Moon Sign of both boy & girl exactly during the time of their wedlock. Guru Pala Note:  1. The first year of the Marriage is important. Enjoying positive impact in the first year of the Marriage will lay good foundation for the future married life of the Couples. 2. But conducting the marriage during the year, whe