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Showing posts from October, 2015


Ketu & the Houses: The Game played by the Ketu in our life: First let us study the characteristics of Ketu:   1. The Ketu would treat the Sun and Moon as its major opponent. Both the Sun and Moon will completely lose their power, when they move closer proximity towards the Kethu. 2. The Ketu represents the Spiritualistic life and goals. 3. The Ketu does not own any houses in the Zodiac Sign. Hence the Kethu will mirror the qualities of the House Lord, where it is being placed. 4. The Kethu will take nearly 18 months to cross a single Zodiac sign. Hence it will take exactly 18 years to complete a journey around the Zodiac signs. 5. The Kethu will move in the anticlockwise direction. Both the Rahu and Ketu will keep equidistance among themselves @ they maintain 180 degrees between themselves. 6. The Ketu has the 3rd, 7th and 11th views from its place. The Kethu, the Great Downer: The Ketu is considered to be the strongest planet among all the 9 planets. The Ketu w


Effects of Moon Combustion by the Sun: Amavasya Tithi Born The Moon transits every zodiac sign for 2 1/4 days; thus it completes the journey across the 12 zodiac signs within 27 days.              2 1/4 days x 12 zodiac signs = 27 days. The Sun transits every zodiac sign by one month (approximately 30 days) @ the Sun stays in a single zodiac sign by a minimum of 30 days. Thus, it completes the journey of 12 zodiac sign within 12 months (365 1/4 days). That is, the Moon will go a full circle within the all 12 zodiac signs and meet the Sun at least once in a month. The placement of the Moon and the Sun in a same zodiac sign brings the New Moon day. The Placement of Moon and the Sun in a diametrically opposite zodiac sign brings the Full Moon day. Placement of Sun & Moon in the Horoscope on the New Moon Day (Amavasya) :  Here the Amavasya (New Moon Day) is happening in the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign), which happens to be the first Hindu Calendar month Chaitra (April - May) Plac