Effects of Moon Combustion by the Sun:
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Amavasya Tithi Born |
The Moon transits every zodiac sign for 2 1/4 days; thus it completes the journey across the 12 zodiac signs within 27 days.
2 1/4 days x 12 zodiac signs = 27 days.
The Sun transits every zodiac sign by one month (approximately 30 days) @ the Sun stays in a single zodiac sign by a minimum of 30 days. Thus, it completes the journey of 12 zodiac sign within 12 months (365 1/4 days).
That is, the Moon will go a full circle within the all 12 zodiac signs and meet the Sun at least once in a month. The placement of the Moon and the Sun in a same zodiac sign brings the New Moon day. The Placement of Moon and the Sun in a diametrically opposite zodiac sign brings the Full Moon day.
Placement of Sun & Moon in the Horoscope on the New Moon Day (Amavasya): Here the Amavasya (New Moon Day) is happening in the Mesha Rasi (Aries sign), which happens to be the first Hindu Calendar month Chaitra (April - May)

Placement of
Sun & Moon in the Horoscope on the Full Moon Day (Poornima): Here the
Poornima (Full Moon Day) happens in the first Hindu Calendar month Chaitra
(April - May); Chithirai (Tamil)

Every Zodiac sign is divided into 30 degrees. Hence 360 degrees
makes up the 12 zodiac signs (@ if you draw a circle around yourself, then the
circle will have full 360 degrees).
The Sun moves 1 degree on daily basis (approximately) and it takes nearly 30
days to cross the 30 degrees of a zodiac sign @ the Sun takes nearly a
month time to cross a zodiac sign.
When the Moon is placed 12.00.00 degrees away from the Sun's position, the
Amavasya Tithi starts. We know that the Sun also gradually moves and transits 1
degree on a single day. When the Moon is placed exactly at the same degree, where
the Sun is placed, the Amavasya tithi ends and Pratipada Tithi starts. Then the
Pratipada Tithi ends, when the Moon is 12.00.00 degrees ahead of the Sun's
exact position.
Thus the Moon gets combusted by its closer proximity towards the Sun as per the
details given.
1. Amavasya Tithi = 12.00.00 degrees
2. Pratipad Tithi = 12.00.00 degrees
believe that the Birth on Amavasya Day brings troubles; but even the Birth on
Pratipad Tithi must equally be analyzed. The Birth during the last 12 minutes
of Amavasya and the first 12 minutes of Pratipad are considered as very
inauspicious and create a dosha called "Kuugai Dosham" (Please visit
the link to know more about Effects of Kuugai Dosham
The Moon combustion becomes acute, if the following factors are present in the
1. The combustion of Moon becomes strong, if the Moon and the Sun traverses in
the same Star (Nakshatra)
2. The combustion of Moon becomes severe, if the Moon and the Sun happens to be
in the same Star Path.
3. The combustion of the Moon also becomes severe, if the Moon and the Sun
happens to be placed within +/- 03.20.00 degrees from each other.
4. The combustion of the Moon becomes very acute, if the Moon and the Sun are
placed within +/- 01.00.00 degrees from each other.
5. The combustion of the Moon becomes dangerously severe, if the Moon and the
Sun are placed alongside each other with in the same degree position @ the
Birth happening during the intersecting period of Amavasya and Shukla Paksha
Pratipada Tithi.
Let us see the effects of combustion of Moon happening in the
horoscope @ Birth Day on Amavasya.
Mental Health & Mental illness: The Moon is considered
as a Planet that guarantees "Mental Health" of every human, as per
the Vedic Astrology. Thus, the combustion of Moon directly impacts the
mental health of the natives @ those who were born during the Amavasya
& Pratipada Tithi are likely to be affected by mental health issues. Note: The Mental
Health can't be decided on the basis of the strength and the position of the
Moon. There are multiple astrological factors, that decide the quality of the
mindset in each and every person. Hence, no one should assume that by getting
born on Amavasya (or) Pratipada Tithi would automatically produce mental
Apart from the mental health issues, there are other factors that are likely to
be affected for the people, who are born during the Amavasya and Pratipada
Impact on Mesha Lagna natives: The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives
would face numbness (or) health issues in the chest (or) hand areas. The Mesha
Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would experience deadlock on asset related issues (or)
unable to utilize their movable & immovable assets. The Mesha Lagna (Aries
Rising) natives would face defunct relationship with their Mother (or) their
Mother faces troubles. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would hurdles
during their journey; and they would remain physically slow (or) physically
inactive. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would talk about helping
others; but in reality, they will not give anything to anyone.
Impact on Rishaba Lagna natives: The Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Rising)
natives would face health issues around their throat (or) neck; they would find
it difficult to swallow. The Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Rising) natives may not open
their inner thoughts very easily; and would physically react as per their
emotions. The Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Rising) natives would face comfortable but
defunct ties with their friends, brothers & sisters (or) they would face
stagnancy in their life.
Impact on the Mithuna Lagna natives: The Mithuna Lagna (Gemini Rising)
natives would have lesser concentration levels; and they find it difficult to
learn (or) understand anything faster. The Mithuna Lagna (Gemini Rising)
natives would have difficulty in their verbal expressions; (or) they speak
less; (or) face distractions during their speeches (or) their speeches become
inaudible. The Mithuna Lagna (Gemini Rising) natives would remain detached from
their family members; and they eat less (or) difficulty in eating. The Mithuna
Lagna (Gemini Rising) natives would face stalemate on their financial matters.
Impact on the Kataka Lagna natives: The Kataka Lagna (Cancer Rising)
natives would face depressive tendencies (or) remain silent (or) delays taking
quick decisions. The Kataka Lagna (Cancer Rising) natives would exhibit slower
reflexes; and faces difficulty in their responses. The Kataka Lagna (Cancer
Rising) natives would face problems in memorizing (or) would find it difficult
to retrieve their memories. The Kataka Lagna (Cancer Rising) natives would
place their focus mainly on money & family matters.
Impact on the Simha Lagna natives: The Simha Lagna (Leo Rising) natives
would experience numbness (or) health issues in their feet. The Simha Lagna
(Leo Rising) natives would face difficulty (or) interruptions with their
sleeping issues. The Simha Lagna (Leo Rising) natives would find it difficult
to manage their needs by themselves. The Simha Lagna (Leo Rising) natives would
remain dissatisfied with their sexual life. The Simha Lagna (Leo Rising)
natives would develop lazy (or) lethargic attitudes; and develop highly
regressive tendencies. The Simha Lagna (Leo Rising) natives may not take out
the money from their pocket, when they are supposed to spend.
Impact on the Kanni Lagna natives: The Kanni Lagna (Virgo Rising)
natives would experience health issues around their ankles in both the legs.
The Kanni Lagna (Virgo Rising) natives would face irregular income (or) face
disappointing level of income. The Kanni Lagna (Virgo Rising) natives would
face delayed payments (or) partial payments on any kind of money transactions;
and face deadlock on all kinds of investments in their life. The Kanni Lagna
(Virgo Rising) natives would face multiple expenses (or) repeat expenses; and
would earn money to pay for their expenses (or) they would spend all their
earned money.
Impact on the Thula Lagna natives: The Thula Lagna (Libra Rising)
natives would face weakness (or) numbness in the areas around their knees.
The Thula Lagna (Libra Rising) natives would involve in multiple tasks;
but face delays & stagnation (and/or) slower growth in their Profession. The
Thula Lagna (Libra Rising) natives would experience deadlock on managing ties
with their mother-in-law (or) the mother-in-law would create stagnation in
their life (or) mother-in-law would face stalemate in their life.
Impact on the Viruchika Lagna natives: The Viruchika Lagna (Scorpio
Rising) natives would face weakness (or) numbness in the areas around their
thighs. The Viruchika Lagna (Scorpio Rising) natives who trade or do business
with the foreigners/foreign companies will face stagnation on all their
efforts. The Viruchika Lagna (Scorpio Rising) natives who reside in a foreign
country finds no significant improvements in their life (or) feel checkmated in
their life. The Viruchika Lagna (Scorpio Rising) natives would face stagnating
ties with their parents (or) their Parents would create stagnation in their
life (or) their Parents would face stagnation.
Impact on the Dhanusu Lagna natives: The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius
Rising) natives would face health troubles in their waist areas (Urinal
(or) Bowel) like problem in urinating (or) constipation. The Dhanusu Lagna
(Sagittarius Rising) natives would face very difficult situation that would
make them to believe that the death is more comfortable than the life on this
earth. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would face difficulties
during the sexual intercourse (or) may not be fully satisfied with their sexual
intercourse (or) face impotency too. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising)
natives would go against their cultural (or) social (or) religious values; (or)
become spiritual when they face immense troubles (or) become atheist due to
immense troubles.
Impact on the Makara Lagna natives: The Makara Lagna (Capricorn Rising)
natives would face numbness (or) health issues around their lower part of
the stomach areas. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn Rising) natives would have
stagnating ties with their life partner; and could face separation from the
partner (or) face bitter experience with their partner (or) their Partner face
the difficulties. The Makara Lagna (Capricorn Rising) natives would
experience difficulties in managing ties with their business
Impact on the Kumbha Lagna natives: The Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius
Rising) natives would face numbness (or) health issues around their upper
part of the stomach areas. The Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius
Rising) natives would experience stagnation (no improvement either in
the positive (or) negative directions) on their debt levels; and also, on their
chronic illness. The Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Rising) natives would face
serious differences with their Partners (or) their Partners would face serious
difficulties in their life.
Impact on the Meena Lagna natives: The Meena Lagna (Pisces Rising)
natives would face weakness (or) health issues around their back (spinal
areas). The Meena Lagna (Pisces Rising) natives would experience
stagnating position on their educational performances during the college level
studies. The Meena Lagna (Pisces Rising) natives would either difficulty
in getting conceived (or) face stagnating ties with their children. The Meena
Lagna (Pisces Rising) natives would face inordinate delays on all of their
expectations; they would face troubles in getting good career opportunities
(or) grow at a very slower pace.
1. The above-mentioned results can produce millions of probabilities due to the
Ashtakavarga strength of the Moon.
2. The results are likely to vary, if the Sun & the Moon is placed in the malefic houses (and/or) traverses in the malefic planet's star path (and/or) getting aligned with the malefic planets.
3. The Results could also vary differently due the Moon's planetary position in the Divisional charts.
4. There would be variable results if the Sun and the Moon traverses in different star path of the same Nakshatra.
5. There would
be variable results if the Sun and the Moon traverses in different Nakshatra
under the same Rasi
6. There would
be variable results if the Sun and the Moon traverses in same star but in
positioned in different Rasi.
7. The results
are likely to vary, if any aspection takes place of Sun & Moon (or) if the
Sun & Moon aspect any other planets.
Please also read the basic details about the Birth on Amavasya Day Birth Day on Amavasya
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ARIES - MESHA RASI Taurus - Rishaba Rasi Palan Gemini - Mithuna Rasi Cancer - Kataka Rasi Leo - Simha Rasi Virgo - Kanni Rasi Libra - Thula Rasi Scorpio - Viruchika Rasi Sagittarius - Dhanusu Rasi Capricorn - Makara Rasi Aquarius - Kumbha Rasi Pisces - Meena Rasi
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