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Showing posts with the label Who can go abroad?


We have already studied "Who can go abroad?". Now let us see, when you can really go abroad? We all know that the planets that are responsible for sending you abroad is Guru, Moon and the Shani. Now let us see the planetary position that would take your dreams forward. 1. The foreign trip is likely during the 9th house lord's Mahadasa and Antardasa periods. 2. The foreign trip is also likely during the other Mahadasa periods, provided the Dasa lord's trajectory position lies within the Nakshatra's of the 9th house lord. 3. The foreign trip chances gets more positive during the Guru/Shani/Moon Mahadasa or Antaradasa periods, when these planets have any association with the 9th house lord or the 9th house itself. 4. The foreign trip chances become even more positive if the Guru, Shani and Moon becomes the 9th lord by itself and any combination of these grahas Mahadasa and/or Antaradasa period is run; and more good results are likely if the 3rd planet also...


Foreign Travel through Vedic Astrology Planets that indicates the foreign travel The travel is indicated by the 4th house; and 9th house indicates the issues related to foreign. The following parameters need to be analysed to find out the foreign travel.      n The native would enjoy the foreign travel, if there is any association of 4th & 9th house lords. The natives belong to Leo will have Mars as their 4th & 9th house lords; and those belong to Aquarius will also have Venus as their 4th & 9th house lords. Thus, the natives who belong to Leo and Aquarius will have more chances under this category. 1. The native would return to their birth place, if the 4th house lord is stronger than the 9th house lord. 2. The native would stay either permanently (or) stay for longer periods, if the 9th house lord is stronger than the 4th house. 3. The native would face indefinite delays on the travel plan, if the 4th house lord is associated with Ketu (or) Su...