Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and issue of being a Transgender: We had studied the planetary position that creates the masculine or feminine characteristics on every humans. We had also studied the planetary position that creates transvestite peoples. Now we are going to find the planetary position that could describe the reasons are being a transgenders or thirdgenders. We can divide the transgender into 2 categories. 1. The people remain either as male or as females but affected by the sexual impotence @ the person would live as a male or as a female, but lacks the sexual ability either in form of weak sexual stimulation or erectile dysfunction. 2. The Peoples who are both transvestites * and also affected by the sexual impotence @ a male who lives as a female or a female who lives as a male, and also lacks the sexual ability either in form of weak sexual stimulation or erectile dysfunction come under this category. ...