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Rahu & the Houses: The Game played by the Rahu in our life: First let us study the characteristics of Rahu: 1. The Rahu would treat the Sun and Moon as its major opponent. Both the Sun and Moon will completely lose their power, when they move closer proximity towards the Rahu. 2. The Rahu represents the materialistic world and gains. 3. The Rahu does not own any houses in the Zodiac Sign. Hence the Rahu will mirror the qualities of the House Lord, where it is being placed. 4. The Rahu will take nearly 18 months to cross a single Zodiac sign. Hence it will take exactly 18 years to complete a journey around the Zodiac signs. 5. The Rahu will move in the anti clock-wise direction. Both the Rahu and Kethu will keep equidistance among themselves @ they maintain 180 degrees between themselves. 6. The Rahu has the 3rd, 7th and 11th views from its place. The Rahu, the Force Mutliplier: The Rahu would multiply the qualities and characteristics of the Planets or the Zo...


Mis-conceptions about the Rahu/Kethu: Is the Rahu/Kethu can be blamed for all the ills? There are general trend among the Astrologers to blame the Rahu/Kethu for all the ills. Also the Public (in general) treat most of the problems are created by the Rahu and Kethu doshas. Is it true? Let us analyse this problem in detail. Let us find out the important beliefs about the Rahu and Ketu. The Rahu/Ketu do not posses any major qualities by its own except for few (we shall study the qualities of Rahu & Ketu separately). The Rahu/Kethu will actually mirror the qualities of the House Lord, where it is placed. Hence blaming the Rahu and kethu for all the marriage problems & child birth will leads us to no-where. Astrologers keep both the Rahu/Ketu as the "Whipping Boys" What is the meaning of Whipping Boys? A whipping boy was a young boy who was assigned to a young prince and was punished when the prince misbehaved or fell behind in his schooling. Whippi...


Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and issue of being a Intersexuals:  We had studied the planetary position that defines a person to be a  "Transvestite"  and also the planetary position that defines the person to be a   "Transgender"  . Now we are going to find, who is a Intersexual? Who is a Intersexual? We can divide the peoples, who are born with Intersex conditions into 5 categories. Please note that Intersexual peoples need not necessarily be a "Transvestite" or a "Transgender". Intersex (Type 1): The people who are affected by harmonal deficiencies or harmonal malfunctions. Harmonal deficiency could create infertile male or female. That is, a male (or a female) will act, behave and live like a normal male (or female), but will not have the capacity to father (or mother) a child. Intersex (Type 2): The peoples who are born as a male (or female) to the outside world will have the anatom...


Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and issue of being a Transgender:  We had studied the planetary position that creates the masculine or feminine characteristics on every humans. We had also studied the planetary position that creates transvestite peoples. Now we are going to find the planetary position that could describe the reasons are being a transgenders or thirdgenders. We can divide the transgender into 2 categories. 1. The people remain either as male or as females but affected by the sexual impotence @ the person would live as a male or as a female, but lacks the sexual ability either in form of weak sexual stimulation or erectile dysfunction. 2. The Peoples who are both transvestites * and also affected by the sexual impotence @ a male who lives as a female or a female who lives as a male, and also lacks the sexual ability either in form of weak sexual stimulation or erectile dysfunction come under this category. ...


Planetary position that helps you to understand the level of Sexual Potency and Sexual Imbalances: We had already found out the planetary position that indicates the masculaine and feminine qualities both in men and in women. Now there is other gender or third gender. We call it in the generalized term of "Transgenders". But we can broadly sub divide these Transgenders into three categories. Let us find out the differences. 1. Transvestite: The Transvestite are the people, who are either male or female, who prefers to dress, act, develop a style and live in a manner that are traditionally associated with another gender. Example: A male who is sexually fit and can live and act as a male but prefers to live as a female @ a person with complete male anatomy inside the body but prefers to live as a female or present himself as a female to the outside world. In general, some of the Transvestite people choose to live as a Gay or Lesbian (not all transvestite would re...


The Planetary Position that indicates Feminine qualities:  Among the 12 zodiac signs, the following are female signs. 1. Taurus, 2. Cancer, 3. Virgo, 4. Scorpio, 5. Capricorn and 6. Pisces 1. If a female has her Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac signs, then she posses more feminine character. 2. If a female has any two of the signs from the Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac sign and another one from the rest of the Rasi's (zodiac signs), then she will posses 60% to 70% feminine features and 30% to 40% masculine features (both physically, mentally and also through their  behaviour or through their responses).  3.  If a female has any one of the signs from the Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac sign and another two fro...


  The Planetary Position that indicates Masculine qualities:  Marriage Astrology Among the 12 zodiac signs, the following are male signs. 1. Aries, 2. Gemini, 3. Leo, 4. Libra, 5. Sagittarius and 6. Aquarius Who is Masculine?  Generally, every male wants to look more masculine; and they get easily get attracted to the females due to their masculine appearances. Let us, see some basic astrological parameters that would create more masculine appearances. *The Masculine appearance does not guarantee the sexual ability & fitness. That is, a man with lot of masculine personality may (or) may not be sexually fit & active.  1. If a male has his Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above mentioned 6 zodiac signs, then he would possess more masculine character.   2. If a male has any two of the signs from the Rising sign, Moon Sign and the Zodiac sign (where the Lagna lord is placed) are within the above men...