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  What will happen, If Mars gets combusted for Mesha Lagna? Mars Combustion in Mesha Lagna The Mars owns the benefice 1st House (Rising Sign/Lagna) and the malefic 8th House for the Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives. The Mars gets combusted due to its closer proxmity to the Sun @ if the Mars gets placed within + (or) - 06.40.00 degreess within the Sun, then the combustion takes place. The intensity of the impact would be greater, if the combustion takes place at a closer degrees. Let us see the probable impacts in the Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives, if the combustion of Mars happens.  1. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would remain intelligent, calculative and analytical. 2. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would remain dominant, possessive and develop too much of anger; but they remain silent (or) slow to respond (or) remain moody & secretive.  3. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would experience problems with their memory (or) take more time to arrive at a


Mars Venus Conjunction for Sagittarius Ascendant:  Mars Venus Conjunction Question: What is the effect of Mars in 22 degrees and Venus in 23 degrees in Pisces for Sagittarius Ascendant? What are the remedies for that? Answer: Following impacts can be expected out of the Mars & Venus conjunction for Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Ascendant). 1. The native would develop too much interest on sexual activities. 2. Those who would partner with the native would also develop too much appetite for sexual activities. 3. The native would remain multi-talented and possess multiple skills. 4. The native would be handling multiple responsibilities in their life. 5. The native would be saddled with difficult responsibilities like taking care of ill peoples. 6. The native would face serious difficulties in their life mainly on issues connected to their children (or) their children would experience severe difficulties in their life. 7. The native would handle jobs that are difficult to


Sun & Mars in the 8th House for Vrishaba Lagna & its Impacts:  Sun & Mars in the malefic 8th House In general, the presence of any planet in the malefic 8th House for all 12 Lagna (Ascending Sign) is not a welcome sign. Here the Sun, own the 4th House (House of Comforts). Thus, the presence of 4th House Lord Sun in the malefic 8th house would impact the overall comforts such as health, materialistic life and assets. Mars owns the 7th and the 12th House. 7th house is considered as neutral house and the 12th house is considered as highly malefic for the Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Ascendant). This would create the following probabilities.  1.  The presence of neutral 7th house in the malefic 8th House.  2. The presence of malefic 12th house in another malefic 8th House. Note:  Some of the people may call this as a “Vipreeta Raja Yoga”, since the presence of malefic 12th house in the malefic 8th House. They would call it as biggest fortune. But I beg to differ from this view


  Let us see some of the interesting astrological qualities of Sun and Mars. Sun and Mars in the Horoscope The Sun represent the Father and the Mars represent the Brothers/Sisters The Sun represent the Light energy and the Mars represent the Heat energy The Sun represent the brain and the Mars represent the Blood in our body The Sun would take 1 year to complete the transit of all 12 zodiac signs. The Mars would take 18 months to complete the transit of 12 zodiac signs The Mars would become retrograde for a brief period in a year; but the Sun never goes retrograde The Sun combust the Mars, when it transit closer and the qualities of Mars gets affected. The Sun also gets affected by its closer proximity with the Mars, if the Mars owns nay malefic Lordship. Both the Sun and Mars consider other as its friend. The Sun gets exalted in Aries Sign, which belongs to Mars. The Sun has direct aspect on the 7th house from its position. The Mars has aspect of 4th, 7th and 8th house from its positi


Planetary position that creates Murderous intent & acts:  In this post, let us analyse the Planetary combinations that can aid and abet the murderous acts. Let us find out the meaning of "Muderous". 1. Dangerously violent 2. Causing harm with grievous injuries. Let us find out, "who can really murder?"  1. A person who is obsessed with too much of uncontrollable anger. 2. A person with some criminal intent, who is often described as a "Mercenary". 3. A person with mental disorders, who is often defined as "Psychopath". In this Post, let us analyse the Horoscope of a native, who had committed an act of murder in a fit of anger and rage. The native had born on 07.11.1989 at 04.30 am within India. Let us see the Horoscope of the native. The Planetary positions are given below: Let us find out the native's life and his past background before starting to analyse his Horoscope. The native had developed an "Love affa


Lagna Lord Conjunct with 9th House Lord:  Conjunction of Lagna & 9th House Lords Let us find the some of the reasons that make us to believe that a particular person is Spiritual.  1. He/She goes to Temple everyday.  2. He/She works in a Temple. 3. He/She always speaks about the God (or) Spirituality.  4. He/She wears Saffron coloured clothes; and look likes a Sadhu.   5. He/She donates heavily to the Temple (or) Spiritual purposes (or) runs a charity (or) manage a Temple.  Let us see, whether these ideas (or) beliefs are correct to identify, whether a person is truly spiritual (or) not? As per the Vedic Astrology, the 9th house indicates the natives involvement in the Spirituality and the belief in the God. But before that let us understand, "What is the importance and the meaning' of 9th house.  Importance of the 9th House: Basically the 9th house indicates the root and the ancestry of every individual. If a person is asked to identify himself (or) herse