Let us see some of the interesting astrological qualities of Sun and Mars.
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Sun and Mars in the Horoscope |
- The Sun represent the Father and the Mars represent the Brothers/Sisters
- The Sun represent the Light energy and the Mars represent the Heat energy
- The Sun represent the brain and the Mars represent the Blood in our body
- The Sun would take 1 year to complete the transit of all 12 zodiac signs.
- The Mars would take 18 months to complete the transit of 12 zodiac signs
- The Mars would become retrograde for a brief period in a year; but the Sun never goes retrograde
- The Sun combust the Mars, when it transit closer and the qualities of Mars gets affected.
- The Sun also gets affected by its closer proximity with the Mars, if the Mars owns nay malefic Lordship.
- Both the Sun and Mars consider other as its friend. The Sun gets exalted in Aries Sign, which belongs to Mars.
- The Sun has direct aspect on the 7th house from its position. The Mars has aspect of 4th, 7th and 8th house from its position.
- Both the Sun and Mars becomes stronger in the 10th house from the Lagna due to its positional strength.
General Impact of Mars & Sun Conjunction:
- The native would become very angry/dominant/anxious/possessive in nature.
- The native would face health troubles mainly related to fire, electricity, radiation and thunderstorms.
- The native would face health issues impacting their brain/blood systems in the body.
Note: *The above mentioned problems could be severe, if the Mars gets combusted by the Sun.
The Conjunction of Mars & Sun produces various other results, depending upon the Lagna and their placements. Example 1: We assume that the Mars & Sun is in conjunction in closer degrees for the Mesha Lagna (Aries Ascendant)
- The native would remain angry, dominant, possessive and moody in nature.
- The native would possess high level of intelligence and would be able to decode even toughest secrets (or) possess toughest talents/skills.
- The native would remain mildly depressed (or) remain less communicative; and would remain slow in taking quick decisions.
- The native would possess jobs that are considered as risky (or) dangerous (or) illegal (or) immoral.
- The native would face constant hurdles in their career growth (or) would learn many things & grow up in their career mainly through their failures.
- The native would be burdened with some toughest responsibilities in their life.
- The native would face difficulties on issues related to their children.
- The native would face health issues in the areas around their urinals & bowels systems in their body.
- The native may face back pain.
Example 2: we assume that the Mars & Sun is in conjunction in closer degrees for the Thula Lagna (Libra Ascendant):
- The native would speak very harshly but speaks very little.
- Their financial system gets boosted by their income & investments.
- More the Gains/Profits will make their family even more larger.
- The native would talk in different voices; that is they can mimicry (or) can speak in multiple languages
- The native would be interested in eating/drinking in piping hot conditions (or) would develop smoking habits; but they eat less.
- The native may live with different family groups & partners (or) possess multiple partners & families. In some cases, it would lead to “Polygamous” relationships.
- In most cases, the native would face frozen ties with the family & partner relationships (or) face deadlock on those relationships.
- The native would be able to display various type of facial outlook (or) would start to age faster (or) they would face the risk of disfiguration
- The native would face health issues around their face and lower part of the stomach
Conditions: The above results are likely to vary depending upon the below mentioned astrological factors.
- Sun and Mars Conjunction will deliver moderate results, when compared to the Sun’s Combustion of Mars.
- The Placement of Mars & Sun.
- The Lordship and Star Lordship of Sun & Mars.
- The Lordship and Placement of Sun & Mars in other Divisional Charts.
- The Aspection of Sun and Mars on other Planets and vice-versa.
- The Ashtakavargha strength of Sun and Mars.
- The Sun & Mars conjunction may not bring severe results for the Cancer & Leo Ascendants.
- The Sun & Mars Conjunction would be severe for Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn Ascendants
- The Sun & Mars conjunction would be moderately severe for all other Ascendants.
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