What will happen, If Mars gets combusted for Mesha Lagna?
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Mars Combustion in Mesha Lagna |
The Mars owns the benefice 1st House (Rising Sign/Lagna) and the malefic 8th House for the Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives. The Mars gets combusted due to its closer proxmity to the Sun @ if the Mars gets placed within + (or) - 06.40.00 degreess within the Sun, then the combustion takes place. The intensity of the impact would be greater, if the combustion takes place at a closer degrees. Let us see the probable impacts in the Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives, if the combustion of Mars happens.
1. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would remain intelligent, calculative and analytical.
2. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would remain dominant, possessive and develop too much of anger; but they remain silent (or) slow to respond (or) remain moody & secretive.
3. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would experience problems with their memory (or) take more time to arrive at a decision.
4. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would face delays (or) hurdles on all their personal & professional expectations in their life.
5. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would experience difficult ties (or) difficulties on issues related to their father and children.
6. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives would face physical health difficulties in their private parts impacting their ability to maintain proper sexual intercourse with their partner.
7. The Mesha Lagna (Aries Rising) natives could be affected by constipation/bowel movements and urinary tract movements; and could face blood related health difficulties in their body.
1. The above results are given in generic manner.
2. The impacts would be measured (or) would vary depending upon the conjunction levels of Mars & Sun; and their aspection on other planets (or) their aspection by other planets.
3. The impacts would vary depending upon the placement of Sun & Mars from the Lagna; and their respective Star Lords.
4. The impacts would be vary depending upon the Ashtavargha strength of Sun & Mars; and their placement & strength in the Divisional Charts.
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