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  Vipreet Raja Yoga: Vipreet Raj Yoga Vipreet means ā€œInverted (or) reverseā€ Hence, Vipreet Raja Yoga means yogas that comes in an unusual manner. In Vedic Astrology, the ā€œYogā€ (or) ā€œYogaā€ can be called as ā€œLuckā€; it could be both good luck (or) bad luck. Vipreet Yoga means luck arising out of unusual methods (or) luck creating unusual situations (or) luck creating unusual benefits. Thus, the ā€œVipreet Yogaā€ would produce gains through damages (or) damages through gains. Let us see, some of the examples for ā€œVipreet Raja Yogaā€. 1. Mr. Nelson Mandela was jailed, when he was fighting for the independence of his country South Africa for nearly 27 years. But we were elected to become the first ā€œBlack President of South Africaā€ after ending his jail term. Here the severest form of difficulties has got converted to the greatest success in the career for him. 2. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister in India. She was assassinated by her own bodyguards, while she was on duty. The...


We have studied the effects of "Sakatai Yoga". Now we also see "Suba Sakatai Yoga". The following planetary positions create "Suba Sakatai Yoga" and delivers excellent results. The "Sakatai Yoga" is created by the placement of Guru in the 6th, 8th and 12th house from the Moon. This Yoga is a bad Yoga. But this bad Yoga gets converted into auspicious good Yoga through the below mentioned planetary position. 1. If the Guru or Moon is placed in the quadrant houses from the Lagna @ 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house from the Lagna. 2. If the Guru or Moon is placed in the "Trikona houses" from the Lagna @ 1st, 5th and 9th house from the Lagna. 3. If the Moon is placed in Kataka (Cancer) or Rishaba (Taurus). 4. If the Guru is placed in the Dhanusu (Sagittarius), Meena (Pisces) and Kataka (Cancer). 5. If the person is born in the Full Moon Day (Poornima) 6. If the Guru and Moon has a Parivarthana Yoga among themselves. 7. If the Mar...


WHAT IS SAKATAI YOGA? The word "Sakatai" means wheel. That is, if this "Sakatai Yoga" is reflected on the natives horoscope, it indicates the volatile nature of the life that goes up and down that can be equated to the rotation of the wheel. This Yoga is actually a bad yoga that is created by the Moon along with the Jupiter. The Sakatai Yoga would come into effect, if the Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th and 12th position from the Moon. This "Sakatai Yoga" takes a native lifestyle into a greater height only to come down; and again take it to the new height. This see-saw process continues throughout the life depending upon the type of Mahadasa that the natives go through. 


MEANING OF PARIVARTANA YOGA: The interchange of houses between two grahas are called as "Parivartana (Exchange) Yoga". That is, the Yoga comes into effect, if any of the two planets stays in the houses owned by the other. For example, if the Mercury stays in the Libra and Venus stays in the Virgo (Libra is owned by the Venus and Virgo is owned by the Mercury) then there exists "Parivarthana Yoga" between Venus and Mercury. Let us see the possible effects of "Parivarthana Yoga" The grahas that exchanges their houses mutually between them gets more power @ the strength can be equivalent to the strength of the graha, when it stays in its own house. But the effects of "Parivarthana Yoga" varies from place to place. EFFECTS OF PARIVARTHANA YOGA: 1. If the "Parivarthana Yoga" exists between 1st, 5th and 9th house lords, it brings wonderful results in the life; the benefits peak especially during the respective Graha's Mahadasa or...


YOGA INDICATING SUCCESSES IN THE CAREER: The "Dharma" means helping the needy and "Karma" means that the type of virtues that one carries from their previous birth. That is, this Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga means that this Yoga would be gifted to those who had helped lot of peoples (to meet their genuine needs) in their previous birth. If this Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga is present in the horoscope, the natives are likely to taste success in their profession. Let us see the graha position that brings this wonderful "Dharma Karma Athipathi Yoga" 1. The combination of 9th and 10th house lords both in Rasi and in Navamsa. 2. The interchange of house between 9th and 10th house lords. 3. The 9th house lord traversing in the star of 10th house lord and vice versa. Note: 1. The 9th and 10th house lords should not be placed in the malefic houses. 2. The 9th and 10th house lord should be stronger. 3. The 9th and 10th house lord should traverse in t...


RAHU'S RAJA YOGA: This is the only yoga presented by the Rahu. Let us see the planetary position that brings this Raja Yoga presented by the Rahu. 1. The Rahu must be placed in Mesham (Aries), Rishabam (Taurus), Katakam (Cancer), Kanni (Virgo) and Makara (Capricorn). 2. All the seven planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Budhan, Guru, Sukra and Shani must be placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house from the house where the Rahu is placed. 3. Please note that the placement of all the planets in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house should not be calculated from the Lagna or Rasi. 4. Even if one of the above mentioned house lies vacant, then the Yoga does not apply. Benefits of Rahu's Raja Yoga: 1. The native would enjoy all earthly benefits (materialistic benefits) that are available in this world. 2. The benefits would peak during the Rahu Mahadasa periods. 3. If the Rahu is placed in benefice houses, then the native would enjoy his time through buying properties/vehicles, t...


THE IMPORTANCE OF KATRI YOGA: The word "Katri" means Scissors in English. The Yoga can be defined as "Cutting Yoga", which has been classified as inuspicious. Planetary Position that brings the Katri Yoga: 1. The Lagna or Lagna Lord are surrounded by 6th and 8th house lords. 2. Either one of the 6th house lord or 8th house lord getting placed before the preceding degrees and other getting placed in the following degrees. 3. Either one of the 6th house lord or 8th house lord getting placed before the preceding Star path and other getting placed in the following Star Path. 4. Either one of the 6th house lord or 8th house lord getting placed before the preceding Star and other getting placed in the following Star. 4. Either one of the 6th house lord or 8th house lord getting placed before the preceding Rasi and other getting placed in the following Rasi. Effects of the "Katri Yoga" 1. The natives would have tough and sometimes ruthless mind...


The Word "Kendra" means Quadrant in English. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses calculated from the Lagna are called as "Kendra". If any natural malefic planets like Shani, Mars, Sun and Descending Moon holds the ownership of the above mentioned houses, then it delivers normal results as per its position and strength. If the natural benefice planets like Guru, Mercury, Venus and Ascending Moon holds the above mentioned houses, then the results are subject to the below mentioned rules.


"WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF NEECHA BANGA RAJA YOGA?" Till now, we have seen the Neecha (Debilitated) status of the planet Guru. We had also studied Neecha Banga Raja Yoga. In this post, we are going to see one more factor that makes a planet debilitated. Some of us would feel very happy about seeing one or more planet getting exalted (getting stronger) in the natal chart. But the same planet would give worse results instead of good results that had been predicted earlier by the Astrologers. Why does it happen? "How come a planet getting exalted gives a debilitated results?"  This factor is called "Uccha Banga Neecha Dosha". Let us explain this feature in detail. We know that Inverse of X = 1 / X Uccha Banga Neecha status (Bad results out of elimination of exalted status) is the direct inverse of Neecha Banga Raja Yoga (Good results out of elimination of Debilitated status). Following are some of the astrological factors that makes a Uccha graha...


GAJA KESARI YOGA: The Placement of Jupiter in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house from the Moon Sign in the Rasi chart (Kundali) indicates the presence of Gaja Kesari Yoga. This Gaja Kesari Yoga is an auspicious yoga. Let us find the benefits of having this Gaja Kesari Yoga. 1. This Gaja Kesari Yoga nullifies all other dosha present in the chart (Kundali). 2. The person will be blessed with life longevity. 3. The person who has Gaja Kesari Yoga will have an excellent tactical skills, mesmerizing words, huge confidence and leadership qualities. In simple words, the Gaja Kesari Yoga indicates the good physical and mental strength. This would help the natives to meet the challenges in their life in an effective manner.  Note: The "Gaja Kesari Yoga" does not always brings good results. To get good results out of the Gaja Kesari Yoga, the following conditions should be met. 1. The Moon and the Jupiter should own good houses. 2. The Moon and the Guru should not stay i...


What is Neecha Banga Raja Yoga? Neecha (Debilitation) Banga (Removal) Raja Yoga means if a Planets gets debilitated in the Rasi Chart (Kundali) gets its debilitation removed by certain parameters, then that particular would deliver Raja Yoga in its Mahadasa period. Let us see the parameters that creates a environment for this Neecha Banga Raja Yoga. 1. The Planet that has the ownership of a Zodiac house, (where the debilitated planets stays) either becomes exalted or stays in its own house.  2. The Planet that has the ownership of a Zodiac house, (where the debilitated planets stays) stays in the trine house with respect to either Lagna or Moon Sign. 3. If more than one number of planets get debilitated in a Rasi chart (Kundali) and if any one of the planet's debilitation gets cancelled then simultaneously all the remaining planets debilitation also gets cancelled.  4. If a debilitated planet remains in a particular zodiac house both in Rasi Chart and also Nava...