Vipreet Raja Yoga: Vipreet Raj Yoga Vipreet means āInverted (or) reverseā Hence, Vipreet Raja Yoga means yogas that comes in an unusual manner. In Vedic Astrology, the āYogā (or) āYogaā can be called as āLuckā; it could be both good luck (or) bad luck. Vipreet Yoga means luck arising out of unusual methods (or) luck creating unusual situations (or) luck creating unusual benefits. Thus, the āVipreet Yogaā would produce gains through damages (or) damages through gains. Let us see, some of the examples for āVipreet Raja Yogaā. 1. Mr. Nelson Mandela was jailed, when he was fighting for the independence of his country South Africa for nearly 27 years. But we were elected to become the first āBlack President of South Africaā after ending his jail term. Here the severest form of difficulties has got converted to the greatest success in the career for him. 2. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister in India. She was assassinated by her own bodyguards, while she was on duty. The...