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Skin diseases through Vedic Astrology     Medical Astrology Budhan (Mercury) represents the skin and the nervous systems in our body; and the 4 th House in the natal horoscope indicates our body as per the Vedic Astrology. Hence, any malefic impacts on the Budhan (or) the 4 th House Lord (or) both would lead to health issues on skin. The below mentioned planetary position could lead to skin diseases (or) skin related disorders (or) damages to the skin through multiple reasons. 1. If the 4 th House Lord (or) Budhan (or) both are in conjunction (or) aspection by the 6 th house Lord, then the native would develop wounds in the body. 2. If the 4 th House Lord (or) Budhan (or) both are in conjunction (or) aspection by the 8 th house Lord, then the native would face damages to the skin. 3. If the 4 th House Lord (or) Budhan (or) both are in conjunction (or) aspection by the 12 th house Lord, then the native would face deteriorating skin conditions. 4. If the 4 th House L


  Planteary Position that would invite suicidal tendencies:  As we all know, the suicidal attempts (or) suicides are committed due to multiple factors like mental depression, mental disorders, social conditions, religious factors, economic difficulties and problems in personal relationships. That is, the suicides could even be attempted by any persons, who are mentally healthy (or) suicides are possible even when a person is economically sound (or) suicides are possible even among the educated persons. Let us find out the Planetary position that could cause “Suicidal tendencies”.  The 3rd house is considered as the person’s “sub-conscious mind” @ a mind that commands, controls and communicate with every person internally. Hence the 3rd house holds the important factor in deciding the quality of mindset, behavior (or) moods in each and everybody’s lifestyle. Hence the 3rd house could direct the person to be the best (or) be the worst (or) be the good (or) be bad (or) be soft (or) be h


Planetary Position that causes "Depression" Planets that causes Depression Among all the creatures in the World, the humans rely more on mental power than any other creatures present in the World. The humans can think on their own and act on their own @ the humans can restrict (or) allow their mind to focus on any particular issues (or) events. The Humans have the capacity to proceed (or) restrict their actions on a particular issue/event, despite possessing the full information with them. 1. The Humans can have multiple thoughts (or) focus on multiple issues at a concurrent time. 2. The Humans can start to think; pause a thought for a temporary period of time (or) exit from those thoughts completely. 3. The Humans can have repetitive thoughts too. 4. The Humans can present themselves differently in an explicit manner; and may possess different mindset implicitly. 5. The Humans could do some physical activities that are not correlated to their inner mind @ they could beh