There is a view that Numerology is totally different from Astrology and a person can entirely rely on Numerology. All aspects of Predictions and remedies can be made with the help of Numerology.
No doubt that Numbers form an integral part of the human's life. Without Numbers, today's world can not move further. Let us understand how the Numerology evolves. Each Numbers has been assigned a Planet.
Sun - 1, Moon - 2, Guru -3, Raghu - 4, Budha - 5, Sukra - 6, Kethu - 7, Saturn - 8, Mars - 9.
Each Numbers has its own characterestics, Values and Predictions. The Numbers has been assigned to everyone based on their Birth Date.
If a Person is born on 15th June 1993, then his/her Birth Date Number is taken as 6 ( Birth Date 15 @ 1 +5 = 6); the secondary number has been calculated as 7 ( Birth Date 15. 06. 1993 @ 1 + 5 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 34 @ 3 + 4 = 7)
In similar way, every alphabets carries a Number (Value); thus every Name has its value. Based on this three numbers, the Numerology Prediction goes on.
Suppose a Person is born on 5th May 1993, his Birth number is 5 and his secondary number is also 5. Then according to Numerology the number 5 has been assigned as a lucky number to the particular person. The Number 5 belongs to Budhan (Mercury). Suppose if the same person is born with Aries as Rising sign, then the same Budha becomes highly malefice. The Budha becomes more malefice if it is weakened or stays in inauspicious houses. Thus Budha becomes more lucky as per Numerology and more unlucky as per Astrology. Thus both the results can not be correct. Either the Budha has to lucky or unlucky.
Now we also study another factor, that is all person born on 5th May 1993 has 5 as lucky numbers @ those born 00.00 hrs in the early morning of 5th May 1993 to 23:59 hours till the midnight of 5th May 1993 will have 5 as their lucky numbers. If a Child is born at around midnight @ 00.00 hrs at 6th May 1993. will have number 6 as his/her lucky numbers. This type of vague calculation does not exist in Hindu Vedic Astrology.
Bracketing a big group of peoples under a particular date does not happen in Astrology. In the Vedic Astrology, the Date, hours, minutes are taken into consideration along with Place of birth @ Latitudes and Longtidues of the Birth Place. Hence the Astrology is more elaborate, substantive and considers number of factors before arriving at correct predictions. Also the Astrology offers time bound answers and solutions. But Numerology can offer only generalized predictions.
If a Number can change your whole life, then the whole country's problem can be solved using the flexibility of Numbers. Astrology can be equated to a foundation of a building (life) and the Numerology can be compared to interior decorations of the same building (life). At best Numerology can help to solve some temporary issues through some cosmetic changes.
No doubt that Numbers form an integral part of the human's life. Without Numbers, today's world can not move further. Let us understand how the Numerology evolves. Each Numbers has been assigned a Planet.
Sun - 1, Moon - 2, Guru -3, Raghu - 4, Budha - 5, Sukra - 6, Kethu - 7, Saturn - 8, Mars - 9.
Each Numbers has its own characterestics, Values and Predictions. The Numbers has been assigned to everyone based on their Birth Date.
If a Person is born on 15th June 1993, then his/her Birth Date Number is taken as 6 ( Birth Date 15 @ 1 +5 = 6); the secondary number has been calculated as 7 ( Birth Date 15. 06. 1993 @ 1 + 5 + 0 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 34 @ 3 + 4 = 7)
In similar way, every alphabets carries a Number (Value); thus every Name has its value. Based on this three numbers, the Numerology Prediction goes on.
Suppose a Person is born on 5th May 1993, his Birth number is 5 and his secondary number is also 5. Then according to Numerology the number 5 has been assigned as a lucky number to the particular person. The Number 5 belongs to Budhan (Mercury). Suppose if the same person is born with Aries as Rising sign, then the same Budha becomes highly malefice. The Budha becomes more malefice if it is weakened or stays in inauspicious houses. Thus Budha becomes more lucky as per Numerology and more unlucky as per Astrology. Thus both the results can not be correct. Either the Budha has to lucky or unlucky.
Now we also study another factor, that is all person born on 5th May 1993 has 5 as lucky numbers @ those born 00.00 hrs in the early morning of 5th May 1993 to 23:59 hours till the midnight of 5th May 1993 will have 5 as their lucky numbers. If a Child is born at around midnight @ 00.00 hrs at 6th May 1993. will have number 6 as his/her lucky numbers. This type of vague calculation does not exist in Hindu Vedic Astrology.
Bracketing a big group of peoples under a particular date does not happen in Astrology. In the Vedic Astrology, the Date, hours, minutes are taken into consideration along with Place of birth @ Latitudes and Longtidues of the Birth Place. Hence the Astrology is more elaborate, substantive and considers number of factors before arriving at correct predictions. Also the Astrology offers time bound answers and solutions. But Numerology can offer only generalized predictions.
If a Number can change your whole life, then the whole country's problem can be solved using the flexibility of Numbers. Astrology can be equated to a foundation of a building (life) and the Numerology can be compared to interior decorations of the same building (life). At best Numerology can help to solve some temporary issues through some cosmetic changes.
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