For getting a correct predictions, you need to develop your mindset before going to an Astrologer. Let us see the details that are given below.
1. Do not go to an Astrologer with predefined mindset on any problems. Allow the Astrologer to express his views fully. Do not expect the Astrologer to fall in line to your views.
2. You must understand that the Horoscope Readings can not be fine tuned to meet your expectations. That is, there are no other option called "B", if your option "A" is not possible.
3. Human tendency is such that everyone wants to hear everything positive and auspicious about their future. Nobody wants to hear anything negative about their future. But the truth is that the life is always filled with positive and the negative aspects. If you rejoice on hearing the Astrologer's postive readings and blaming the Astrologer for his inefficiency or short sightedness, when he predicts any thing negative about your future actually means you are doing great diservice to yourself. No genuine Astrologer will tolerate this kind of attitude. But those Astrologers, who compromise on their predictions and make changes to their predictions as per your requirement is actually doing a great disservice to you. Here you can be rescued only by the God.
4. If an Astrologer says anything negative on your future may not be liked by you. In this situation, the Astrologer would risk his commercial requirements. But the genuine Astrologer duty is to forewarn you about the impending troubles and dangers ahead of you. The Astrologer must guide you about the issues to be done and the issues to be avoided to minimize the impact of troubles.
Thus go to an Astrologer with an open heart and with no predefined agenda. Then You will be in a position to realize the truth about the Astrology.
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