As per the Hindu Vedic Astrology, the birth during some of the defined period also brings Dosha. The birth during Parivesham is considered as inauspicious and brings doshas.
The Parivesham is the period, during which a circle of light encircles the Sun or the Moon. We call it as "Fort built around Sun/Moon". If any baby is born during this period, it is considered as inauspicious and could bring danger to the baby/family.
If the baby has malefic dasa periods, it could give more bad results. The parents are advised to take the babies to the nearest temples and do Ayush homam. The parents should take the guidance of good astrologers in coming to a conclusion.
The Parivesham is the period, during which a circle of light encircles the Sun or the Moon. We call it as "Fort built around Sun/Moon". If any baby is born during this period, it is considered as inauspicious and could bring danger to the baby/family.
If the baby has malefic dasa periods, it could give more bad results. The parents are advised to take the babies to the nearest temples and do Ayush homam. The parents should take the guidance of good astrologers in coming to a conclusion.
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