Which is more important Fate or Intelligence?
In the Part -1, we have found out that both the fate and the intelligence are equally important in deciding the course of our life. That is, though the Fate is more important and plays major role in our life, the God has given us some limited autonomy through our wise planning and actions. Thus by utilizing the Intelligenece to the optimum level, we can easily change our lifestyle.
Let us see an example:
Before 50 Years back, every couples used to have many children counting even up to 15 or 20. Those days, the country did not know about the "Birth control" methods. Hence, a women used to deliver a baby every year starting at the young age of 16 years to the maximum age limit of 50 - 60 Years. Thus every family used to have larger number of children as their son and daughters.
In the rural areas, there is a practice of asking the Astrologers about the number of chidren (that a couple can have) and the type of children (male or female). Those days, the astrologers used to say that a particular person will have 5 females and 4 males as their children by looking at their horoscope. To some of them, they predict up to 20 children.
Now let us come to the question. The Astrology has not changed. The Rules and planetary position had not gone through any major changes. Now a days, no Astrologers would ever dare to predict that a particular couple would give birth to even 5 children. The modern day Astrologers predict only up to 2 or 3 children per couple at the maximum. Why this sudden changes happens with the Astrologers?
The Questions are simple:
When there is no change of rules or planetary position that takes place between 1950's and 2000's, how come the Astrologers had reduced the number of children drastically to less than 3 from their earlier counts of 5 to 15?
The answer was simple. Now a days, the people use the Birth control method to achieve the small family status. Today's world does not allow a person to look after larger number of children mainly due to economic constraints and social stigma attached to it. That is the humans uses their intelligence to limit the conceiving of the babies.
The Horoscope of the Couples tell us the probable number of children that a person can have in their life. This is called as the "Fate". This can't be changed. But by using the "Intelligence", we can limit the number of children.
If the Couple's horoscopes do not have the probables of getting conceived or having a children, then it is the "Fate". Here the "Intelligence" do not have another option. That is, the Couple would be deprived of the status of the Parent.
Conclusions: Thus we can use our intelligence to bring positive changes into our life in a limited fashion despite having negative aspects in the Horoscope, which we call it as "Fate"
In the Part -1, we have found out that both the fate and the intelligence are equally important in deciding the course of our life. That is, though the Fate is more important and plays major role in our life, the God has given us some limited autonomy through our wise planning and actions. Thus by utilizing the Intelligenece to the optimum level, we can easily change our lifestyle.
Let us see an example:
Before 50 Years back, every couples used to have many children counting even up to 15 or 20. Those days, the country did not know about the "Birth control" methods. Hence, a women used to deliver a baby every year starting at the young age of 16 years to the maximum age limit of 50 - 60 Years. Thus every family used to have larger number of children as their son and daughters.
In the rural areas, there is a practice of asking the Astrologers about the number of chidren (that a couple can have) and the type of children (male or female). Those days, the astrologers used to say that a particular person will have 5 females and 4 males as their children by looking at their horoscope. To some of them, they predict up to 20 children.
Now let us come to the question. The Astrology has not changed. The Rules and planetary position had not gone through any major changes. Now a days, no Astrologers would ever dare to predict that a particular couple would give birth to even 5 children. The modern day Astrologers predict only up to 2 or 3 children per couple at the maximum. Why this sudden changes happens with the Astrologers?
The Questions are simple:
When there is no change of rules or planetary position that takes place between 1950's and 2000's, how come the Astrologers had reduced the number of children drastically to less than 3 from their earlier counts of 5 to 15?
The answer was simple. Now a days, the people use the Birth control method to achieve the small family status. Today's world does not allow a person to look after larger number of children mainly due to economic constraints and social stigma attached to it. That is the humans uses their intelligence to limit the conceiving of the babies.
The Horoscope of the Couples tell us the probable number of children that a person can have in their life. This is called as the "Fate". This can't be changed. But by using the "Intelligence", we can limit the number of children.
If the Couple's horoscopes do not have the probables of getting conceived or having a children, then it is the "Fate". Here the "Intelligence" do not have another option. That is, the Couple would be deprived of the status of the Parent.
Conclusions: Thus we can use our intelligence to bring positive changes into our life in a limited fashion despite having negative aspects in the Horoscope, which we call it as "Fate"
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