8th House lord in the Lagna:
8th House in Vedic Astrology |
of 8th house: In the Vedic Astrology, the 8th house is
considered as “House of Life Longevity” @ the 8th house indicates
the number of years that the native would be living in this world. As per the
Hindu Religion, every soul need to live in this world, as long as the soul is
able to delete all the good and the bad karmas that it had been carried from
its previous birth. That is, the native would not able to leave this world
unless (or) otherwise all its karmas have been deleted. The 5th
house indicates the native’s amount of good karma and the 8th house
indicates the native’s amount of bad karma. Thus, the 8th house would
indicate the amount of sorrows, difficulties and grief a native (soul) need to
go through in his/her life. Thus, the more the bad karma means the stronger the
8th house. This could be best illustrated with the following
pictures. |

is, the Higher the bad Karma that a soul carries during its birth get stronger
8th house lord in its Natal Horoscope, which automatically makes the
Soul to live longer in this world, so that the Soul get enough time to delete
all its karma @ the native would need to live longer and suffer a lot.
lesser the bad karma that a soul carries during its birth get weaker 8th
house lord in its Natal Horoscope, which automatically makes the Soul to live
shorter in this world, so that the Soul needs a minimal time to delete its
karma @ the native would live shorter, since its sufferings are limited.
let us see the impact of having 8th house lord in the Lagna:
The native would remain isolated (or)
secluded (or) secretive.
The native would be worried over the
difficulties (or) focus their mind on difficult side of any issues (or) face
difficulties due to their decisions.
The native’s life would be shrouded in
mysteries (or) carrying some events in their life to hide.
The native would face dangerous events in
their life (or) take risky decisions in their life.
The native would face damages in their life
mainly through their wrong (or) risky decisions in their life.
The native would develop mortal fear.
8th House Lord Mars in the Lagna for Mesha Lagna:
The Lagna Lord
Mars itself become the lord of 8th house. Thus, the 8th
house lord Mars is placed in its own house. Let us see the possible impact of
having 8th house lord Mars in the Lagna.
The native would remain angry, restive and
The native would remain obedient, if the Mars
gets stronger in the Ashtagavargha.
The native would remain highly repulsive, if
the Mars gets weaker strength in the Ashtagavargha.
The native would remain extremely aggressive
and vengeful, if the Mars becomes retrograde; (or) associated with retrograde
planets/debilitated planets.
The native would remain dominant and
assertive, if the Mars is stronger in the Ashtakavargha.
The native would remain dominant and passive,
if the Mars is weaker in the Ashtakavargha.
8th House Lord Guru in the Lagna for Rishaba Lagna:
The 8th house Lord Guru would
own the 11th house for the Rishaba Rasi
natives. Let us see the probable impact of having 8th house lord
Guru in the Lagna.
The Rishaba Lagna natives would display
guiding capabilities.
The Rishaba Lagna native’s mind would be
focused on gains/profits on all issues that they handle in their life.
The Rishaba Lagna natives would display
multiple personalities (or) view an issue in multiple dimensions (or) maintain
focus on multiple issues in a concurrent manner.
The Rishaba Lagna natives would remain polite
& humble but unpredicatble, if the Guru becomes retrograde; (or) associated
with retrograde planets/debilitated planets.
The Rishaba Lagna natives would remain
obedient, if the Guru is stronger in the Ashtakavargha.
The Rishaba Lagna natives would chart their
own course of actions by politely turning down the suggestion from others, if
the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha.
8th House Lord Shani in the Lagna for Mithuna Lagna:
The 8th house Lord Shani
would own the 9th house for the Mithuna Lagna natives. Let us see
the probable impacts of having 8th house lord Shani in the Lagna.
1. The Mithuna
Lagna natives would remain ruthless (or) cruel (or) harsh.
The Mithuna Lagna natives would remain
intelligent and creative too.
The Mithuna Lagna natives would show interest
in spiritual matters; and display nationalism, love for their culture and
language in a harsh manner @ they would display their spiritualism &
nationalism in a violent manner.
The Mithuna Lagna natives would remain
obedient (or) willing to be dictated by their superiors along with their
ruthlessness @ they are capable of playing the role of dangerous “henchmen”; if
the Shani is stronger in the Ashtakavargha.
The Mithuna Lagna natives would remain
repulsive and revolting with excessive ruthlessness, if the Shani becomes
weaker in the Ashtakavargha.
The Mithuna Lagna natives would remain
extremely harsh, violent and vengeful, if the Shani becomes retrograde; (or)
associated with any retrograde (or) debilitated planets.
8th House Lord Shani
in the Lagna for Kataka Lagna:
The 8th
house Lord Shani also own the 7th house for the Kataka Lagna
natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house lord
Shani in the Lagna.
The Kataka Lagna natives would remain tough
(or) ruthless (or) cruel (or) harsh; and are capable of taking risky/dangerous
and also self-destructive decisions.
The Kataka Lagna natives would develop
partnership (in all issues) so quickly; and focus more on their Partnership (if
the Shani remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha).
The Kataka Lagna natives would be devoid of
Partnerships, even though they are more concerned about the Partnership (if the
Shani remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Kataka Lagna natives would remain
obedient (or) willing to be dictated by their superiors (and/or) willing into
work on Partnership basis along with their ruthlessness @ they are capable of
playing the role of dangerous “henchmen”; (or) developing questionable “Partnerships”,
if the Shani is stronger in the Ashtakavargha.
5. The
Kataka Lagna natives would remain repulsive and revolting and
could face failed Partnerships with excessive ruthlessness, if the Shani
becomes weaker in the Ashtakavargha.
The Kataka Lagna natives would remain harsh,
elusive, secretive and unpredictable; and could also possess dangerous levels
of vengeance, if the Shani becomes retrograde; (or) associated with the
retrograde/debilitated planets.
8th House Lord Guru
in the Lagna for Simha Lagna:
8th house Lord Guru also own the 5th house for the Simha
Lagna natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house
lord Guru in the Lagna.
The Simha Lagna natives would remain
intelligent, speculative, analytical, subtle and person with guiding
The Simha Lagna natives would remain refined and obedient; but possess secretive tendencies (if the Guru
remains stronger in the Ashtakavargha).
The Simha Lagna natives would adopt passive
aggressiveness (@ remaining disobedient in a peaceful manner) and also remain
moody in character (if the Guru remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Simha Lagna natives would use their skill
and knowledge in a destructive manner (or) risky manner (or) dangerous manner.
The Simha Lagna natives would remain unreliable
& unpredictable, if the Guru becomes retrograde (or) associated with
retrograde/debilitated planets.
8th House Lord Mars
in the Lagna for Kanya Lagna:
8th house Lord Mars also own the 3rd house for the Kanya
Lagna natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house
lord Mars in the Lagna.
1. The
Kanya Lagna natives would remain selfish, self-seeking and
egoistic; and addicted to fame, status and self-praising.
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain
ambiguous, daydreaming and irrational (@ they would consider real as unreal and
unreal as real; hence they believe in stupid (or) unworkable ideas &
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain
assertive, aggressive, dominant, angry and possessive in their attitudes.
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain addicted
to sexual activities.
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain obedient
but also maintain their secretive activities (or) tendencies (if the Mars
remain stronger in the Ashtakavargha).
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain violent,
elusive and repulsive; and act both as an authority and as a dependant (if the
Mars remain weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Kanya Lagna natives would remain harsh,
merciless and possess extreme levels of revengeful attitudes, if the Mars
becomes retrograde (or) associated with any debilitated/retrograde planets.
8th House Lord
Venus in the Lagna for Thula Lagna:
8th house Lord Mars also own the Lagna for the Thula Lagna natives.
Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house lord Venus in
the Lagna.
1. The
Thula Lagna natives would remain subtle, attractive,
tempting, fascinating and seductive; and remain secretive (or) elusive in their
The Thula Lagna natives would remain
submissive, compliant and acquiescent despite possessing their secretive
ambitions (if the Venus is stronger in the Ashtakavragha).
The Thula Lagna natives would remain wayward,
naughty and errant but possess their secretive agenda (if the Venus remains
weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Thula Lagna natives would remain
undependable and fickle minded; and show revengeful attitudes in a passive
manner, if the Venus is retrograde (or) associated with retrograde/debilitated planets.
8th House Lord
Budhan in the Lagna for Viruchika Lagna:
8th house Lord Budhan also own the 11th house lord for
the Viruchika Lagna natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th
house lord Budhan in the Lagna.
1. The
Viruchika Lagna would remain intelligent, speculative,
analytical and profit-minded in all aspects of the life.
The Viruchika Lagna would remain funny,
amusing and show humorous tendencies; but also maintain their secretive
The Viruchika Lagna would remain polite and
submissive hiding their secretive agenda (or) remain submissive mainly
motivated by larger profits/gains (if the Budhan remains stronger in the
The Viruchika Lagna would politely turndown
other’s diktat in a wiser manner; and continue to pursue their own private (or)
secretive agenda (if the Budhan remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Viruchika Lagna would remain crazy (or)
unpredictable; and confuse others (or) make others foolish by adopting their
own agenda, if the Budhan becomes retrograde (or) associated with the
debilitated/retrograde planets.
8th House Lord Moon
in the Lagna for Dhanusu Lagna:
8th house Lord Moon does not any other houses for the Dhanusu Lagna
natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house lord Moon
in the Lagna.
The Dhanusu Lagna natives would remain
vacillating and wavering in nature; (or) remain fickle minded.
The Dhanusu Lagna natives would face multiple
mood swings.
The Dhanusu Lagna natives would remain
submissive but show signs of inconsistent mindset (if the Moon becomes stronger
in the Ashtakavargha).
The Dhanusu Lagna natives would remain highly
unpredictable and impulsive; and show signs of waywardness (or) unruly
behaviour (if the Moon becomes weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
Dhanusu Lagna natives would develop multi-dimensional personality and remain
extremely volatile (if the Moon is associated with any debilitated/retrograde
8th House Lord Sun
in the Lagna for Makara Lagna:
8th house Lord Sun does not any other houses for the Makar Lagna
natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house lord
Sun in the Lagna.
1. The
Makar Lagna natives would remain assertive and forceful hiding
their secretive tendencies.
The Makar Lagna natives would remain both
assertive and listen to others (if the Sun is stronger in the Ashtakavargha).
The Makar Lagna natives would remain
assertive and expect all others to listen to them (if the Sun is weaker in the
The Makar Lagna natives would remain
extremely punishing, if the Sun is associated with any retrograde/debilitated
8th House Lord Budhan
in the Lagna for Kumbha Lagna:
8th house Lord Budhan own the 5th house for the Kumbha
Lagna natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house
lord Budhan in the Lagna.
The Kumbha Lagna natives would remain funny, entertaining,
humorous and sarcastic; and also possess hidden (or) secretive agenda.
The Kumbha Lagna natives would remain intelligent,
speculative, analytical and tactical; and also remain crafty and display highly
cunning nature.
The Kumbha Lagna natives would listen to
others hiding their own preferences and tactics (if the Budhan is stronger in
the Ashtakavargha).
The Kumbha Lagna natives would tactfully
handle the suggestions made by others; but implement their own decisions
pushing others agenda to the background (if the Budhan is weaker in the
The Kumbha Lagna natives would remain highly crazy,
unpredictable and deceitful, if the Budhan becomes retrograde (or) Budhan is associated
with the retrograde/debilitated planets.
The Kumbha Lagna natives would use their
knowledge for secretive issues (or) destructive issues.
8th House Lord Venus
in the Lagna for Meena Lagna:
8th house Lord Venus own the 3rd house for the Meena
Lagna natives. Let us see the probable impacts of having 8th house
lord Venus in the Lagna.
The Meena lagna natives would remain subtle,
attractive, tempting, fascinating and seductive; and remain secretive (or)
elusive in their behaviour.
The Meena lagna natives would remain selfish,
self-seeking and egoistic.
The Meena lagna natives would remain very
focused (or) stimulated on sexual issues.
The Meena lagna natives would show too much interest
in self-glory (or) self-praise of themselves.
The Meena lagna natives would be daydreaming and
live in imaginary world; and believe real as unreal; and unreal as real.
The Meena lagna natives would remain
submissive hiding their own preferences (if the Venus is stronger in the
The Meena lagna natives would chart their own
course of action in a gentle manner without raising any suspicions (if the
Venus remains weaker in the Ashtakavargha).
The Meena lagna natives would sweeten their treacherous
actions (or) sugar-coat their real intentions.
Note to the Readers:
The results are given in the generic form, on
the assumption that the 8th house is placed in the Lagna.
The results are likely to vary depending upon
the association of the 8th house lord with other planets; and also,
its position with respect to the position of other planets.
The results are likely to vary depending upon
the Star Path of the 8th house lord; and the Ashtakavrgha strength of
the 8th house lord.
Though the above-mentioned traits never change,
it is likely to throw billions of probable characters depending on other
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